chapter 1

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"REGULUS WHAT EVER YOUR MIDDLE NAME IS BLACK!"  You shouted through the halls as you got back up from the floor.  There was a hole hallway full of nothing but room, and Black just had to come over to you and act like you ran into him, then shove you to the ground.

"Oh my god, y/n/n, are you good?"  You heard Lilly's sweet voice say.

"And by the way, his middle name, it's Arcturus."  Sirius told you.  You nodded at Sirius before replying to Lily.

"Yup, just got a bitch problem.  And I'm about to hunt him down -"

"You will not.  You will stay calm and cool.  Don't go on a murder rampage, y/n/n."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Lils.  Oh, by the way, James is coming, run."  And she ran.  Lily wasn't sure if she liked James, but with James constantly pestering her, she wanted to murder him almost 24/7.

Just as Lily got around the corner, James just barely missed her.

"Oh hey, sis.  Have you seen Lily flower recently?"  James asked, slightly out of breath. James often called you sis even though you were Remus's sister. All the marauders were your brothers.

"Nope."  You said before walking away.  "But I'd check the library."  You yelled, trying to get him away from Lily, who was still behind the corner.  Also, as a sign to Lily to not go there.  She nodded at you in thanks, and once James was out of sight, you nodded back.

You went to your class, potions, and saw that, as usual for the beginning of the school, everyone was standing around the perimeter of the room so Slughorn could seat you. And, of course, he seated us a Griffindor with a Slytherin.

Now, one thing you would want to know about y/n is that she isn't a werewolf like her brother, but an animagus like the others, and her animagus was a wolf. Just a regilar, fluffy wolf.  And sometimes, her wolf came out when she got angry enough and snapped.  This would be fun.

"Now, let's have Ms. Lupin here," he said, pointing to a seat near the back of the room, "And Mr. Crouch here."  He said with a smile, pointing to the seat next to you. This would be hell.

"Wolf bitch." Barty said with a nod.

"Black's little minion." You said, not even looking at him, just getting your books out. Barty grabbed your wrist. You immediately looked over at him with a glare to see him shuddering.

"Listen, I don't want to start the first day with a fight, so let's not. Got it?"

"You don't tell me what to do. And if you do tell me what to do, don't expect me to do it, Junior."


"Bitch." You rolled your eyes and he did too. When we were finally about to start class, you realized who was sitting in front of you, the Black Brothers. Shit. If you knew one thing right here, right now, it was that this would not end well for anyone.

You raised your hand, and Slughorn came over to you.

"Proffesor, don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning you, but are you sure you want the brothers to sit next to each other?" Slughorn looked in front of you where you were pointing.

"Right you are Ms. Lupin," he went over to Barty and told him to get up, then to Regulus, he had them switch. Now this could not be worse.  You thought as Regulus came over to sit next to you. He put his bag on the ground next to his leg after putting his books in a neat stack in the corner of the desk. He then moved his chair a little farther from you, still not acknolaging that you were there.

You were fine with him not talking to you, though. Sirius looked back at you and gave you a greatfull look.  You smiled then motioned him to pay attention to what Slughorn was saying. He turned around, and Regulus let out a barely noticeable huff of annoyance.

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