chapter 21

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"Sirius....Sirius....Ooohhhh Sirius.....wake the fuck up!" You yell. He startled awake, falling off his bed as you chuckled at him. He glared at you once he realized what happened.

"I hate you with such a passion right now. I hope you know that."

"I know. Get your ass up or I'm leaving without you. You too, James!"

"Hey! I'm up!"

"I'll still leave without your ass." You went down to the common room with Remus to wait for the other two boys. Once they came rushing downstairs. They both had their school robes on for class, James was putting his glasses on while running into the railing of the stairs because he couldn't see. Sirius was putting his hair up into a man bun, supported by his wand.

"We're here, guys. Don't leave without us." Sirius said. Remus looked at you. You knew that look. It was a look of 'really' but also happiness that you got them to hurry up.

The four of you walked out of the common room, Remus on your right, Sirius on your left, James next to Sirius. As you walked into the Great Hall you heard someone call out to you.

"Hey, Lu!" It was Pandora, she was walking up to you and gave you a smile, compleatly ignoring the boys. "Come sit with us."

You looked at the boys. "Bye, bitches." You walked over to Slytherin table with Pandora.

"Hey! Hey! Miss ma'am. Miss ma'am. Where do you think you're going?" Remus called after you.

"Away from you, bruh."

"No. No. Miss ma'am get your ass back here."

You turned around. "Oh? What you gonna do? Drag me back over there." Pandora smirked.

"Come on, Lu." You turned back around with Pandora and saw Regulus raising an eyebrow at you. You smiled innocently.

Pandora had you sit down next to Regulus and she sat next to you. Evan was sitting across from Pandora and another guy next to him, across from you.

"Dee," he said, "since when do we invite Gryffindors to sit with us?"

"Since now, Junior." He rolled his eyes. Pandora turned to you. "You've already met these two dorkuses" She looked at Regulus and Evan, "this is Barty." Barty looked at you curiously.

He had curlyish brown hair, dark, slightly judgemental brown eyes, and was watching you. Just watching you curiously.

"Barty," Evan said, playfully shoving his friend, "You're gonna freak her the fuck out, stop." Barty rolled his eyes.

Regulus looked at you from the corner of his eye"

"...Morning." He said slowly.



"Why not?" He rolled his eyes. Pandora was looking at Evan with a big smile.

"You ship them right?" She didn't look away from Evan. She didn't have to, you and Regulus and Evan all knew who she was talking about.

Evan looked at you and regulus for a second.

"Fuck yes. I ship them." Landora smiled mire and grabbed your arm.

"Look at dis."

"Pandora, put my arm down."

"Sorry, boo, but..." she turned back to Evan. "Look at dis."

"Is that-?" Pandira nodded. They were talking about Regulus's ring. Regulus was giving you an amused look. You rolled your eyes at him.

"Is that...?...scuse me, miss ma'am. Where and when did you get my bro's ring?" Evan asked you as Pandora put your arm down.

"It's not his. It's mine."

"Yeah, because it' your possession now."

"My brother gave it to me." Regulus lightly kicked your leg under the table. You shot him a glare. He just sat there like he didn't do anything.

"I can see what's happening..." Evan said while trying not to laugh he was looking straight at Barty who wasn't paying attention.

"What?" He asked cluelessly.

"And they don't have a clue..."


"They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line..." Pandora and Evan said while trying not to laugh. "Our quadro's up to five."

"Oh." Barty said as if he now got it, but you doubted he did. Regulus smirked, ammused. You rolled your eyes and tried not to laugh.

You saw, over at the Gryffindor table, the boys watching you and the group of Slytherins. You also saw Sammi and Zach watching you, their eyebrows raised. You smiled at your two older friends innocently.

"Hey, Lu," Pandora said. "What's your first class?"

"Potions. How bout you?"

"Same, we can be potions besties."

"Dear God no." You heard Regulus murmur next to you. No one else seemed to notice it.

"Come on, we should go, don't want to be late on our first day back." Evan said.

As the five of you walked out of the great hall, Barty came up to you.

"Ya know, you got balls for sitting at the Slytherin table."

"And? You gon do somthin about it?"

"Nah. Respect it. Not many people sit at our table, especially no Gryffindors."

"Yeah, I've noticed. Gryffindors I get, but Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?"

He shrugged. "No clue. There's only the occasional brave Ravenclaw who'll come sit with a friend, if any of us are friends with Hufflepuffs, thoguh, we go to them. I figure they're too scared of Slytherins to sit at our table."

"Fair. You guys are intimidating."

"Thanks. Well, this my class. It's...y/n? Right?"


"See ya, y/n."

"See ya."

A/n, I have realized my mistake. It was in the last chapter, no not the don't kill me one, that was a discreet plea for death not to come and take my soul to hell early, shocking, I know. But anyway, my wasn't take big of a mistake, there were actually two, one was that I did not do my reaserch on Pandora and Evan and Barty very well. I have done some and will do some more.

My other was that I forgot to do a question. So I'll do two questions this chapter to make up for the last chapter.

Question 1: favorite song/genre of music?

Me personally, I font have one. I'm all over the place, I've got Contry, Pop, Rock, Pop Rock, a couple of just...depressing shit. I'm everywhere but KidzPop with music.

Question 2: just curious, you part of LGBTQ+ fam?

You don't gotta answer this one, ya never have to answer any of them, but if you do you can just put yes or something, I'm just curious. Please don't be mad at me for asking this.

I'm bi and gender fluid. *thumbs up* yeh...👍🏻

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