Ralph's eyes were on me now. I could feel it. I look up at him and his eyes are roaming my body, his eyes moving down to my legs then up at my thighs and his eyes stays on my thighs. As he bit his lips, if anybody looks at him you could tell he's looking at my thighs, his friend's just staring at him maybe to stop him, I'm not sure his aware that we're staring at him, he's just focus in my thighs and biting his lips. Is it in a bad way or in a good way.?

"let go to the kitchen, um...Ralph?" He shouts a little to get him out the zone he's in.

Ralph looks up at him so fast

"what?." Ralph ask him in a bored tone.

"I think you like something a little too much, don't you think.?" His friend smirked at him.

"Fuck off."

With that being said Ralph walked away to some room, leaving me behind with his friend.

"I'm sorry cupcake, Fabricio lacks manners." He says laughing, which suddenly makes me want to join him laugh as well.

Fabricio that's Ralph's Italian name?

"Call me Andres." He tells, stretching out his hand for a hand shake, i shakes his hands and he smiled.

" come let go meet Fabricio and Marcelo." He stated pulling me softly to the place Ralph went.

I'm guessing Fabricio is Ralph, then who's Marcelo?

I was surprised when we go into a kitchen, Ralph and Liam was sitting in a dinner table, and immediately we came in they stopped, and Ralph's eyes went to his hand tugging me.

"Marcelo look who I found." He says cutely walking towards Liam, oh Liam is Marcelo, and Ralph Fabricio.

I love the name Fabricio.

"Come here." Liam says to Andres  pulling him towards him and pecks his lips. And his face turned red, They're a couple. So cute. I just stare at there interaction.

I could feel Ralph's gaze burning holes in my body, I look at his direction and his staring straight at my eyes.

"You two were supposed to cook, where's the food at.?" Andres ask looking around the kitchen for food.

I moved towards the kitchen stool and try lifting myself up to sit. Andres comes over and put his hands on my waist, lifting me up to seat.

"Gurll...your thighs are to die for, so thick and juicy."

"Can I touch it.?" He asked a smirk on his lips, i nod. He squeezed both my thigh for some seconds. I look at Ralph to  see him already staring in our direction. An a not so happy look on his face, not that he's always happy, but now you can tell he's mad. His jaw clenched.

"Andres stop messing with Ralph." Liam said laughing, while looking over at Ralph who's staring at us.

"What I'm gay, and can't you see how thick her thighs  are.?" He asked, walking towards Liam, who hugs him .I just stare at the three of them.

Ralph place a plate in front of me rudely.

"Eat." Like usual, I look up at him to see him chugging on a beer, his jaw still clenched. I look over at Andrés and Liam they're busy in there own world laughing and feeding each other.

This the first time I'm seeing Liam laughing, he just gets happy when his with Andres I guess.

"Andres will run a check up on you, he's a doctor." He tells me and went upstairs, why his he behaving this way?

What kind of check up? I hope I don't take my cloths off for it, I don't want them seeing my scars.

After finish eating I went upstairs, Andres and Liam are still laughing their hearts out.


I'm currently lying in the bed right now, staring at the wall trying to figure out why Ralph was acting rudely to me, nothing came in mind. I was still in the middle of my thinking when the bedroom door open, and I sprain my head a little to looks who's at the door, he was standing there the source of my thinking.

He was about to say something but shakes his head as if what he was going to say was stupid.

He tenses but it was quickly gone.

"You can't just let someone touch you like that." He informs me looking sad, I look at him shocked. I sat up at the bed and remain silent waiting for him to tell me why he's angry.

"You shouldn't have given Andres the permission to feel your thighs." He explains and walk towards me, he jaw still clenched.


"I didn't know, and he's gay." I tells him, not actually knowing why he's mad because of that.

"I don't fucking care if he's gay." He shouted making me flinch back, and his eyes widened. why is he so angry about that.?

"I'm sorry, it jus-" he cut himself off looking frustrated, and stared down at my thighs, what I am going to do next now is stupid..I know

"Do you want to touch them.?" I whisper referring to my thighs, while looking up at him, his eyes widened, and he nods right away, biting his lips.

"You can." I tells him, his eyes searching for any uncertainty in my eyes, he's just staring straight into my eyes, he still doesn't move close to me.

I moved to where he was, and bring out his hand to one of my thigh and place it there, to tell him it was fine. He hesitated. But eventually squeezed it, licking his lips, his eyes where on my thighs the whole time.

Ralph loves my thighs, which means that I can love it as well, he's making me love it.

"Fuck, it so thick." He tells me grabbing it some more, giving both of them his attention. Making me blush. He's just grabbing to his content while I'm just standing there feeling happy...don't know why but I was happy.

"If your thighs feels this good, i wonder how your ass feels." He blurt out, his eyes widened realizing what he'd said.

"I'm sorry." He retracted his hand from my thighs, which makes me frown, I love his touch.

"It's okay." I assured him waking back toward the bed and sat down . And he followed behind me and sit beside me. and Stretches out his legs.

"I want to ask you for something." He speaks

"Don't feel obligated to do it, if you don't want to it fine." He adds, looking everywhere in the room but me.

" Okay." I tells him.

"Um...can you sit on me please." He asks looking at me, my eyes widened, and a blush crept my face, I've heard a boy ask a girl this question before from one video I saw on YouTube it was too intense to watch to I removed the video.

"I'm sorry I asked, just forget it." He rushed out, looking at the floor.

I want to.

"How?" The word slipped my lips. And He look at me, and bites his lips looking down at my thighs.

"Just sit on my lap." He gestures with his hand to his lap.

"Okay." I stood up from the bed and walk in between his legs backing him, and sat down on him, and he groans, his hand trails up the back of my shirt and I left out a soft breath.

"Can I hold you?." He ask, I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Yes." I tells him slightly breathless, and immediately his hands were wrapped up around me.

"I like when you wear short." He suddenly says, after being quiet for sometime just holding me.

"I want you to wear them more often." He tells me, holding me tighter.

"That's if you want." He adds, his hand slipping underneath my shirt and rest in my stomach.

I want.

"Come let's go meet Andres for your checkup." He lift my up. And softly placed me on my feet.

Hannah healsWhere stories live. Discover now