Chapter 2 - Guardian of the Dragon Gem

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"Next time, i promise."

A boy pulled on fingerless gloves and took two fighting stick, putting them behind him in his waist band. He ran down the hall just as a young girl walked by.

You saw your brother running down the hall with his fighting sticks. Smiling excitedly, you ran after him. As you caught up he had stopped by a dresser, he turned to you when you came running up to him.

"Y/N, what are you doing?"

"Helping you!" You say.

"No, I need to do this on my own." He tells her and you pouted.

"Next time, i promise." He reassures you.

You smile and nod enthusiastically, before watching him run off. You glance down at your ring, it's a little big now so you have it around as a necklace until you can have it on your finger. It used to be your mother's.

Smiling sown at it you think about how your mother would be so proud of Ray, and hopefully you too. You skip down the hall to do something while you wait for Ray.

(Ray with the Dragon Gem and Chief Benja.)

Your father and brother come back.

"How did it go?" You ask as you skip up to them.

"I'm now a guardian of the Dragon Gem." He tells his sister proudly.

"Really!? I knew it, i knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you, brother." You exclaim and jump on him. Hugging him tightly as he laughs and hugs you back.

"Ray, i think it's time Y/N learned to fight as well, don't you think?" Your father says.

"Really?" You squeal. "I'm really agile and fast, i can use that as my advantage." You say and keep rambling to yourself as your brother answers your father.

"I think so too, she was wanted to follow me today, but i said I needed to do this myself first." Ray tells him smiling at his sister.

"And you did." He nods to the boy. "You will become a great Chief one day, Ray, i know it." He tells him.

Ray smiles up at his father.


The Last Dragon (Male Namaari x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz