Chapter 13 - Spine's Gem

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"Hey there, Princess Undercut."

The Fang warriors raise their flaming crossbows toward the Spine village.

On the other side Ray approaches the entrance. He takes a deep breath.

"Okay. Note to self, don't die." He says to himself, putting his hat on.

"Burn them out." Namar says, even though hes worried it might harm you, but nothing is happening and he needs to get their attention.

The gates unlock and they see Ray.

"Hey there, Princess Undercut." He mocks Namar. "Fancy meeting you here."

Namar walks up to him, scoffing at his nickname for him.

"You, Y/N and the Dragon Gem pieaces are coming with me. Well, you i don't care much what happens to, but i suspect Y/N want you safe so i guess you'll have to come too."

"Hmm. Thanks for thinking of me." He says. "Though, my sword here says we're not." He says raising his sword.

Namar lifts his hand to his army as they raise their weapons.

"Yeah, i knew you couldn't handle rolling solo." Ray teases him to push his buttons. "You're nothing without your band."

Namar glares at him.

"Stand down." He tells them. "This shouldn't take long." He chuckles and lifts his spear.

They circle each other, and when Ray sees you and the others running in the background he lunges at Namar.

(Fighting scene)

"Did you need that?" Ray asks whne he threw his spear away.

Namar backfires and kick him away holding Rays sword, he looks down at it.

"Nah." He says and throws Rays sword away.

"Looks like somebody's been taking classes." Ray says and stand up to lunge at him.


Namar throws him a few feet away.

"Why are you stealing gem pieces?" He asks Ray.

Ray glances at you and the others in the distance as you make your way through the village.

"Oh, I'm just trying to get a matching set." He answers and lunges at Namar again.

(More fighting)

Ray grunts loudly as Namar punches him and he flies a few feet away from the strong impact. Ray groans as he struggles a bit to stand back up.

"You didn't happen to bring Fang's gem, did you?" He asks retourically and lunge for Namar but misses poorly, Namar easily dodging as he stand behind him and jumps in the air kicking Ray forward.

The thud and exclaimation gets you attention and you stop, turning to Ray and Namar. Seeing Ray on the ground and Namar standing.

"No? Never mind. I'll just swing by and grab it later." Ray groans as he sits up. Namar chuckles, tightening his hand wrap.

He bends down grabbing Ray by the collar and easily lifts him up.

"Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this." He says and stretch back his hand ready to punch.

They don't notice you running up to them.

"Namar, stop!" You exclaim as run up to him. Namar stops mid punch his hand inches away from Rays face. Ray opens his eyes looking at the fist. Namar slowly moves his head to look at you, still holding Ray by his collar.

You take his fist, pulling it down. You're about to say something when blue fog appears and you turn around, letting go of his hand to see Sisu coming out the gate in her dragon form.

The Fang warriors gasp and run as she breathes out fog on them. She then stops to snarl at Namar, who looks at her in shock.

You step in front of Namar when Sisu approaches angrily and she looks at you in question. Sisu lifts her gaze back up at Namar behind you, as they stare at each other you see her expression changing as she sees something in him. You hear Ray grunt and run to him, helping him up and to your friends.

"Yup, she's a dragon." You mumble to them, seeing their expressions.

"Let's go." Ray says and leads them away.

You stop in your tracks to look at Namar.

Sisu reluctantly leaves Namar even through it looked like she wanted to say something. She runs past you and your eyes meets Namar's. You stare at each other for a moment before Sisu came back and grabbed you, pulling you along.

Namar watching you in a shocked state as you disapeared into the fog and out of his sight.


Someone throws a shrimp at your brother.

"Did you just hit us with a shrimp at me?" Ray asks turning to them.

You look at them finding them stating at you with annoyed looks.

"When were you gonna tell us she was Sisu?" Boun asks.

"Well, technically, you always knew she was Sisu." Ray says and you punch his shoulder. "Ow! Will you stop that?" He exclaims.

"No, stop being dumb and just answer." You tell him.

Then someone throws a shrimp at you, and you turn to them in offence.

"You could've said something too." They say and you look down with a frown.

"Why are you here, divine water dragon?" Tong asks.

"Isn't that obvious, big guy? My boy Ray here, Y/N and I are gonna fix the world." She says hugging the two of you close. "Bring everyone back."

"You're gonna bring everyone back? I wanna help." Boun says and you sigh.

"Boun, I'm sorry, but we can't let you do that." Ray says.

"It's too dangerous." You tell the kid.

"You're not the only one who lost family to the Druun." He says, before he gets down on his knees. "Please. Let me help you." He salutes.

Baby mumbles something and jumps down from the table, saluting too.

"I too wish to join this fellowship of Druun butt-kickery." Tong says holding out his gem. You share a smile with Ray and Sisu.

Tong kneels down in front of Sisu and hands her the gem.

The takes it and clouds form and rain patter down on you.

"My big brother Pengus magic." She says.

(Scene with Sisu in the rain.)

You laugh with your friends.

"Alright, Captain Boun. To Fang." Ray says.

"You got it." He says.

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