Chapter 9 - Trust issues

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"What are druuns anyways?"

"Prince Namar, if they're after the gem pieces, their next stop would be Talon." A woman soldier tells him as he watches you disappear into the distance. He was agitated and relieved at the same time. He finally confirmed that you were alive and that you were safe for now.

"We're not following them to Talon." He reluctantly says, even though he wants to follow you immediately. "We're going back to Fang. I need to speak with Chief Virana." He tells them and turns around with Ares, running off to Fang. The others following.


"Sisu? Sisu?" Ray was speaking in a hushed tone looking over the railing. You walk over to him just when Sisu appeared and your eyes widen at her still in her dragon form.

"Ah!" She sighs happily.

"Please, get out of there." He says.

"I'm a water dragon. This is water. It's sort of my thing. You wanna come in?"

"Someone could see you." He tells her.

"Oh. Do you mean Captain Pop and Lock over there? What are you scared he's gonna challenge me to a dance battle?"

You turn around seeing the boy playing with the utensils as he prepares a meal. Making music sound as he dances.

Sisu comes into view and Ray jumps in front of her to cover her.

"Sisu, i saw people lose their minds over a Dragon Gem." He tells her. "Can you imagine what they'd do over an actual dragon?" He says and Sisu frown but sink a bit further into the water to hide. "Look, we need you to make this work. Until we have all the gems, you have to stay human. Please."

"Wow, you really got some trust issues." Sisu says and you hum and nod in agreement looking out into the ocean leaning your head on your palm.

"Look, our father blindly trusted people, and now, he's stone." He tells her and you sigh.

"Hey, we'll get your Ba back." She reassures him and you nod looking at your brother with a smile. "I got you, buddy. Come on, who's your dragon?" She says and Ray gives her a look. "I mean, human. Because im gonna be a human until.. uh, yeah.. you get it."

He chuckles and smiles at her. Then Boun appears and makes you sit down.

"Okay, who's hungry?" He asks and pours you all a bowl.

"Oh, i am." Sisu says.

"Three house specials. How spicy would you like it? Hot, hotter, or BOUN-goes-the-dynamite?"

"Bring on the heat!" Sisu says.

"Yeah, no." Ray says and takes your and Sisu's bowl away from your grasps just when you were about to take a spoon. "No, I don't think so." He eyes the bowl suspiciously. And you glare at him with a pout, hungry.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Sisu asks. "What is he doing?" She asks you and you huff annoyed crossing your arms still holding your spoon, but before you can answer Ray speaks.

"We don't know him. It could be poison." He says in a hushed tone and you sigh.

"Why would he poison us?" She mimics his hushed tone.

"Yeah, why would i poison you?" Boun asks confused.

"First, to get my jade purse." Rays starts to number up reasons and you groan loudly, but he ignores you. "Second, to steal my sword. And third, I don't know, to kidnap my Tuk Tuk."

Tuk Tuk looks up in surprise from his food.

"All good points, but if this is poison.." Boun slurps a spoonful. ".. you're gonna die happy." He says.

"Yeah, thanks, but we got our own eats." He says and takes out a jerky from his pocket, taking a bite. You smile brightly at him eating it, but your face falls when he looks like he's having a hard time as he does. You both turn to a slurping sound beside you.

"This is delicious." Sisu says. "By the way, not poison." She tells Ray.

You take your own bowl from where Ray had put it and dig in.

"But it's.. hot." Sisu says gasping. "Oh, it's hot! It's hot! It's really hot!" She exclaims and you laugh, smiling when Ray joins in. "Oh, my! Oh! Water! Boun? Captain Boun? We need water on deck!"

(Scene with Namar by the dragon stone statues.)

It's night time and you watch the Druuns growling in the darkness as you float downstream. Tuk Tuk whimpers.

"I know, buddy." Ray tries to comfort.

"You know, during the day, you can almost forget they're her, but at night.." A screeching sound comes from the distance. "This is why i never leave the boat."

"You're a smart kid." Ray tells him.

"What are druuns anyways?"

"A plague. Born from human discord." Sisu says. "They've always been here. Waiting for a moment of weakness to attack. They're like the opposite of dragons. Instead of bringing water and life to the world, they're like a relentless fire that consumes everything in its wake until there's nothing left except ash and stone."

"They took my family." Boun says and you look at him sadly.

"They took mine, too." Sisu takes flowers representing her brothers and sisters, and put it on the water. Boun doing the same for his family.

Ray breathes a heavy breath and turn to you. Together you walk over to them and you let Ray be the one to take the flower for your father.

You all watch as it floats away until you hear faint voices in the distance.

"Looks like we're here." Boun says. "So, where you guys heading after Talon? I might be heading there, too." He says and you smile slightly. "I mean, for a fee, of course." He ads and you snort with a chuckle.

"Of course." Ray says rolling his eyes.

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