Chapter 6 - A shipwreck

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"That's not a bad sign, is it?"

6 years later

You as a young adult is sitting behind your brother as he steers a rolling Tuk Tuk through the desert. Your hair flowing in the wind from the speed.

Ray draws his sword and you look over his shoulder at what he's preparing for, seeing figures in the distance. You draw your own fighting stick just in case, but getting closer you see it's only stone turned people.

Ray stops Tuk Tuk on a top, looking out over the desert view. He leans down and knock on him to get his attention. Tuk Tuk grunts questioningly.

Tuk Tuk unfolds himself form the ball formation and you and ray takes off your face cloth, looking out into the distance. Ray wipes sweat from his brows and you tug your collar to get wind down your throat, feeling the heat get to you.

Ray opens up a map and looks at it, he circles the spot where heading for.

"Please let this be it." He exhales. Tuk Tuk grunts and starts moving.

"Whoa!" You exclaim as you almost fell off from his sudden movement. "What are you doing big fur bug?" You ask looking down as he chases something small running around you.

"Hey, buddy, focus." Ray tells him. "Eyes forward, Tuk Tuk." Tuk tuk turns his attention to Ray. "Good boy."

"You're so easily distracted." You say, chuckling softly from behind Ray who nods in agreement. You had been fiddling with your mother's ring out of boredom, just as something appears, as if out of nowhere.

A Druun screeches and you and Ray exclaim as you fall off Tuk Tuk in surprise.

You grunt as you fall down, you roll further down then Ray. Ray looks up and sees the bag on the ground in front of him, he reaches for it and dig out our Gem piece. Holding it up to scare the Druun away.

You breathe heavily as you look up at your brother who turns to you.

"You okay?" He asks you and you nod. He turns to Tuk Tuk at the bottom of the hill, who grumbles from his spot where he's stuck on his back.

Together you and Ray grunt as you push a heavy Tuk Tuk over to his feet again.

"You're getting a little too big for this, bud." Ray tells him as he leans on him.

You get up on Tuk Tuk and continue on your way, not noticing that the ring you had fiddled with was loose when the Druun came, and flown off your finger as you fell.


Tuk Tuk rolls down the river, following the small stream of water. He stops in front of a shipwreck by the end of it.

"Six years of searching and we end up at a literal shipwreck." You mumble annoyed, from behind Ray. He jumps down before you, looking up at the shipwreck.

"That's not a bad sign, is it?" He says and you give him a look, before jumping off Tuk Tuk too.

You follow behind your brother as you move closer, he bends down looking into it, before continuing. You bend down and go through after Ray. Behind you, Tuk Tuk didn't get through and huffs in annoyance.

You reach the end, where the river continued into a hole in the stone wall. Ray and you took off your shoes and bend down to your knees. You helped Ray arrange the ritual.

Ray unfolded the dragon scroll and your mind went to Namar.

You had barely seen what you think was him in the distance, when you had snuck into Fang and stolen the scroll. You had wanted to look closer to be sure if it was him, but you almost got seen, so you had to leave immediately to not get caught.

The Last Dragon (Male Namaari x reader)Where stories live. Discover now