Chapter 18 - Trust

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"Ray is blinded by his own rage."

(Scene with Ray and Namar fighting.)

You run up toward the palace with the others when they have to stop to scare Druuns away. You see Ray and Namar fighting in the distance.

"Ray!" Boun tries to get his attention.

"He cannot see us." Tong says.

"Ray is blinded by his own rage." You tell him.

"The gems powers are fading!" Boun exclaims and your eyes widen as you look at the gem in his hand.

"All these people are druun food if we don't get them out." He says and you jump on Tuk Tuk to with Boun. Tong grunts affirmatively and runs off to help people too.

Tuk tuk lifts a debris off so some people to them get free and you jump down helping them out. While Boun holds the gem to keep the druuns away.

"Come on! Trust me it's gonna be okay." You tell them as you help them up on Tuk Tuk.

(Tong, Noi and the ongies helping others.)

"Keep going!" Boun exclaims to the people before turning Tuk Tuk back again.

(Ray and Namar fighting.)

Namar fall backward from Rays blow. He breathes heavily from their fight.

"I never meant for any of this to happen."

"LIAR!" Ray yell at him and Namar sighs deeply.

"I don't care if you believe me. Y/N and Sisu did." He says. "But you didn't trust them. That's why we're here. Do whatever you want. But you're as much to blame for Sisu's death as i am."

Ray breathes heavily as he thinks about what he's saying. He looks into the sword and sees his reflection, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Tong, there's people back there!" You yell to him from beside Boun, since you have to stay close to a gem to be able to actually be of help.

Ray and Namar's attention moves to you, hearing your voice.

"Hurry! We're running out of time." Boun shouts.

"Everyone out! Come with me." Tong says as he leads people away.

Namar stares at you in worry seeing you don't have a gem to keep you safe. He turns back to Ray, only to find him already gone. He stands up and runs to help his people and hopefully getting you to safety too.

You hear a grunt and turn to see Ray arrived and scared a Druun from behind you, which was getting really close. You stand back-to-back and you smile to him, receiving one from him.

While he and Boun scared the Druun off, you picked up a child and ran between them.

As you run Tuk Tuk comes rolling by with people on him. You pull the child up on him.

"Go! We're right behind you." You say. But watch as Bruuns block his way.

"Tuk Tuk!" You exclaim, then Namar jumps in front of him holding up his gem to scare them off.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" He yells at the bug and Tuk Tuk roll away in a hurry.

You run up to Namar, stopping a few feet away from him when a Druun comes up behind you, that you don't notice. Namar's eyes widen and he jumps on you, tackling you to the ground to dodge it, using the gem to scare another Druun away that cane right after.

"Thanks." You mumble, looking up at him. Your faces extremely close when he looks down at you. You stare at each other's eyes for a moment when you hear footsteps. You turn to see Ray and the others running toward you.

"Y/N!" Ray exclaims when the ground from under you starts to give out.

"It's the one who slayed Sisu!" Tong says when he sees Namar with you. And Namar glares at him. You put a hand on him when you loose balance and he instantly turns to you, holding you up.

Ray runs down to get to you, just when the ground gives out completely.

You land on something hard but also soft. You cough from the dust and feel something wrapped around you, and you open your eyes.

You landed on top of Namar. No, he had taken a hold of you immediately and made sure you wouldn't fall on the ground, instead on him.

"Namar!" You exclaim and he opens his eyes. Looking around frantically before meeting your eyes. He sees a Druun in the distance and stand up with you still in his arms, as if you weight nothing.

"Ray! The gems magic, it's almost gone!" Boun tells him worriedly.

"They aren't backing off!" Tong exclaims.

You didn't have a gem so Namar held you close to him as he used his. Clutching his shirt you looked at the Druuns sorrounding you in worry.

"They're everywhere!"

You all stand in a circle that gets smaller and smaller as the Druun doesn't back off.

"Everyone, give me your gems." Ray then suddenly says and you whip your head to him. "We can still put it together, it can still work."

"Sisu's gone, Ray! We don't have her magic!" Boun tells him.

"It's not about magic. It's about trust." Ray had realised.

"What?" Namar whips his head to him.

"That's why it worked. That's why we can do it, too. By doing the done thing Sisu and Y/N wanted us to do." He says looking to you. "What our Ba wanted. To finally trust each other and fix this. But we have to come together. Please." He pleads to them.

"After what he's done?" Tong glares at Namar, and you look up at him as he looks at the others with a frown.

"We'll never trust him." Boun says. Namar sighs and looks down at you when you tug at his shirt to make him.

"I will." You say confidently looking deep into his eyes. Taking his breath away.

"Me too. And I'll take the first step." Ray says and you look at your brother in awe as he walks over to Namar with his gem.

He hands his gems to Namar when he reluctantly lets you go barely, to receive the gem. Ray steps away and you look at him still in silent awe of your brother's growth.

"Love you, sis." He tells you just before the Druun turns him into stone, not giving you enough time to say it back.

But you know he knows, so you smile slightly at your brother with a single tear rolling down your cheek, before turning to look up at Namar, who watched in shock.

You stand up on your tip toes and leave a lingering kiss on his cheek. Then turning to walk over to your brothers side, you smile contently at him and put a hand on his left shoulder. You turn to look at Namar with trust and hope.

Namar was so stunned he didn't react in time to stop the Druun from enveloping you, turning you into stone in front of his eyes.

"Y/N." He whispers in dispair, his buttom lip trembling from losing you. The girl he had fallen in love with, gone.

Boun stare at you and your brother before looking down at his gem piece.

Boun then gives Namar his gem. He goes to Ray's statue, hugging his leg. Tong and the baby give him theirs too and stand beside you. Tong puts a hand on your back, the baby in his arm and the ongies hugging his foot, they look at Namar as they turn to stone.

Namar, now alone in the dark, tries to use the gems to hold the Druuns back. And when a the grounds shake a bit, making an opening he instinctively runs for it.

He stops and turns to look at you, Ray and the others. He breathes heavily as he looks at you.

Then turning around and running back down to you, he puts the gem piece back together and leave it to go stand beside you and Ray. He puts a hand on Rays right shoulder. He looks at your stone statue, as he himself turns to stone.

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