Chapter 11 - Namar

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"Namar, you're truly growing into the leader I raised you to be."


"Chief Virana, we're running out of room." General Atitaya tells her. "We need to expand to the mainland."

"And how do you propose we handle the Druun, General Atitaya? Without proper protection it would be a death sentence for our people."

"I might have a solution for that, mother." Namar says as he comes up behind her. He salutes her when she turns to him. His mother gasps softly at the sight of her son.

"My little morning mist." She says and Namar can't help but roll his eyes and shake his head with a small smile at his mother calling him that in front of people. "Oh, it's good to see you home."

"I located Y/N and Ray. They're out stealing gem pieces." He tells his mother.


"I'd like to take the royal army and intercept them in Spine." He requests and his mother scoffs.

"Well, if they're going into Spine, I doubt there'll be much left to offer them to intercept."

"They're more capable than you realise." He tells her. "We have to get them." He says and his mother sighs.

"Walk with me." She says and he follows her.


"Look around." His mother tells him as they walk outside. "We made all this by making smart decisions, not emotional ones. We are safe. Our canals protects us from those monsters. I don't think it's wise to risk yourself when you don't have to."

"But you heard the general." Namar says. "We're running out of space. We need to expand. If we had all the gem pieces, we could do that safely. You're right. This isn't an emotional decision. It's the only decision we can make to secure Fang's future."

"Namar, you're truly growing into the leader I raised you to be." She tells her son, proudly. Her son smiles at her. "But i must ask.. Why is your search for this girl so important to you?" She gives him a teasing smile with a raised brow.

Namar looks down with a frown, then up at her with an unsure expression, not knowing how to explain it. His mother just looks at him knowingly, making him sigh.

She knew from the moment the girl, you, had hugged her son that day. She saw it everyday since. If there was the slightest talk about Heart of Chief Benja's children over the years, it was something in his expression and how he defended you if anyone talked bad about Heart or how he got quiet by the mention of your name, looking thoughtful to himself.

You made a lasting impression on him. At first it was just that he remembered that little girl he thought was cute back then, but he would be lying if he said he hadn't imagined how you would look and be like as he grew up. He hoped and longed to see you again.

He always remembered you and your brother, he felt bad about what happened, and how it turned out. But the urge to know what happened to you was strong ever since he lost sight of you that day. He had traveled back to Heart at one point, to see if he could find you or your brother, but he didn't, he was relieved he didn't find either of you as stone, though that didn't mean you hadn't turned somewhere else over the years.

Virana realised his son wanted you safe, that there might be something between the two of you, just that you both maybe don't know what yet. But something worth the risk.

"General Atitaya, ready the royal army for my son's command." She says thumbing her staff into the ground.

"Thank you, mother." He tells her and salutes. "I won't let you down."

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