Chapter 15 - Kwazii and paani's dinner gone wrong

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: Kwazii and Paani's dinner (gone wrong)Chapter Text

Paani and Kwazii were texting each other.

Kwazii-the-pirate-cat: you know that weird thing that you keep talking about? Maybe it was a sea monster!

Later that day, Paani sat on a dock, staring into the distance.

Maybe Kwazii was right. What if it was a sea monster. What if the sea monsters in his stories did exist? Paani thought to herself.

Paani was rereading all the messages he and Kwazii had shared on his Octo-Watch. They realized how much they missed him.

Paani texted Kwazii on their Octo-Watch.

Paani: Hey Ik we're both in Queensland rn. Wanna go hang out?

Kwazii-the-pirate-cat: Yeah sure matey! What time?

Paani: Hm... maybe 6 pm?

Kwazii-the-pirate-cat: Okay, sounds great!

Kwazii then texted Octonauts group chat.

Kwazii-the-pirate-cat : Hey mateys. I'm gonna b hanging out w/ Paani

Captain-Barnacles: Got it! Have fun!

Dashi-Snaps: SLAYY ✨✨✨

Sea-urchin-allergy: nice!

Peso: 👍

Carrot-Enjoyer: 👍

The-old-man: 👍

Kwazii drove the gup-b to the restaurant, which was nearby.

"Ahoy bitch." Kwazii giggled, flipping his bangs "hello!" Paani smiled, him and Kwazii went inside.

"Ahoy! Table for two please?" Kwazii asked "sure thing!" The waitress said, she was a tortoiseshell cat.

Paani and Kwazii sat at the cute rounded table, it had some flowers in a pot in the center, red roses to be specific.

Kwazii fidgeted with the straw "so uh... how have ye been matey?" Kwazii asked, "splashing!" Paani responded, flicking her bangs "great!" Kwazii mrrped, grabbing his water glass and sassily sipping water and crossing his legs.

Paani sipped his fruit punch as He and Kwazii impatiently waited for the food to arrive, Kwazii had ordered a fancy grilled cheese sandwich and Paani ordered themself a pizza slice (with extra pepperonis)

Kwazii and Paani had a long conversation, Kwazii was infodumping on sea monsters "and then there's the Nackerwhack! It's as big as three whales, it's two fangs being the size of two dolphins! It knocks over ships for fun!" Kwazii enthused, Paani listened quietly.

Paani was playing around with their straw and chopping on some pizza.

After finishing his fancy grilled cheese sandwich, Kwazii drank some water (with the straw) until he placed his elbow to close to the glass..

It had spilt water on itself!

"Shiver me whiskers!" Kwazii exclaimed, flinching and running to the back of the restaurant.

"Wait Kwazii!!!" Paani panted as he ran after Kwazii, Shellington was nearby, him and Peso had decided to go on a date too.

Kwazii the dove into the water, disappearing into its dark blue depths. "What happened?" Shellington asked as he glanced over Paani's shoulder "Kwazii got splashed and then they ran to the dock for some reason? And dove in the water? It didn't tell me why." Paani explained "oh fuck..." Shellington muttered.

"We'll go find him" Shellington said diving into the water, along with Peso "Shellington? Peso?" Paani questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Hi Kwazii" Shellington greeted, Peso behind him "what's wrong?" Shellington asked, "I'm just... nervous... what if Paani thinks I'm freak because of the whole ye know... fish thing...". I don't think Paani would do that!" Peso assured "yeah!" Shellington agreed "can I tell you guys something..." Kwazii mumbled "yeah!" Peso said.

"Well... um... I think I like Paani..." Kwazii admitted, blush appearing on his face "and not just in friendly way either... like a romantic way..." Kwazii added "I always cherish our conversations when we talk... I tell her everything. Well... Except the fish thing... We even talk until six am sometimes.. I wasn't sure what to think of them at first... but they've definitely grown on me." Kwazii rambled "I want to tell him... but I'm afraid it would ruin our friendship.. I don't want to fuck it up.." Kwazii added.

"I think you should go for it." Peso smiled "even if Paani doesn't feel the same way I think you'd still remain friends!" Peso added after preening his feathers.

"Kwazii and Paani sitting in and tree, k-I-s-s-I-n-g" Shellington teased "oh you shut up!" Kwazii mumbled, playfully batting a paw at Shellington.

"Anyway Thanks mateys.." Kwazii breathed, dashing back into the water "I'll tell Paani what happened. I'll just make sure to leave out the fish thing!" Shellington called, Kwazii gave him a thumbs up

Shellington climbed onto the sand of the moon pool (which was, kind of difficult because of his fish tail) and pulled the water off himself and thought please no tail and it disappeared.

Shellington called Paani.

"Hey Paani sorry about what happened! Kwazii was overwhelmed!" Shellington apologized "oh it's fine! Hopefully it'll be better next time!" Paani replied "alright! Bye!" Shellington said, waving goodbye, Paani doing the same before hanging up.

Shellington dove back into the water, making a huge splash. Peso caught him in its flippers.

Shellington started blush, Peso started to nuzzle its face against Shellington's cheek.

"Can we stay here?" Peso asked "sure.. I'd that." Shellington smiled softly "now let me find my night cap..." Shellington mumbled, digging around in his satchel "ah ha! got it! And some kelp cakes!" Shellington said "oh and a water proof blanket and water proof pillows!" Shellington added.

"How do you fit all that stuff in there?" Peso asked, Shellington just shrugged his shoulders in response as he started to make the "bed".

Him and Peso ate some kelp cakes for dinner.

Peso made itself comfortable on Shellington's chest as Shellington pulled the blanket over the two of them, Shellington texted Captain Barnacles that they were going to be on a date, Captain Barnacles responded with a thumbs up emoji.

"Night love, I love you" Shellington whispered softly, stroking Peso's back "¡Yo también te amo, Shellington!" Peso giggled, Shellington let out a purr in response.

Peso went out like a light, and surprisingly Shellington fell asleep not long after, his soft little purrs echoed in the cave.

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