Chapter one - Newfound scales

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Chapter Notes: 

okay so this does have a small difference from h2o is that Shellington can control when he transforms but other then that it's the same.

Also warning, these chapters will probably be short.

Hopefully I can make a new art piece for each chapter if I don't get art block.

also quick warning: there's mentions of bad health habits such as sleep deprivation, poor hygiene and such in this chapter.

Also very random but here's everyone's genders and stuff in this fic
Shellington - he/him, ftm bisexual and biromantic.
Peso - he/it, transmasc gay.
Kwazii - he/they/it, non-binary demidemi (demisexual and demiromantic)
Captain Barnicals - he/him, ftm pansexual and panromantic
Dashi - she/they, transfem sapphic
Tweak - she/her, butch lesbian.
Professor Inkling - he/ink/it, agender aroace.
Tunip - unlabeled he/him


The octonauts had landed the octopod near the Irish coastline to check out the sea creatures who lived around it.

Shellington had been exploring the surrounding beach, the sea breeze blew through his fur as he glanced around, taking his time to take it all in.

However something caught his eye, a set of sea caves along the coast "I wonder what I'll find in there!" Shellington wondered as he dashed over and took a peek inside.

The water was the shade of sapphire as the fading twilight made it shimmer, Shellington wandered closer, crouching down to get a better look.

Shellington dipped his right paw in first, the pool was shallow at this point, Shellington then climbed into the pool, activating his helmet and taking a dive.

Shellington glanced around in the bottom, "oh urchins!" Shellington exclaimed as he spotted them, the urchins weren't exactly happy about his presence, making bitter remarks.

Shellington was used to this, urchins were always snappy, however he noticed that the pool was bubbling from the surface of the water "fascinating!" Shellington remarked, swimming up to the surface.

Bubbles surrounded him as he glanced around the cave, he'd never seen anything like it before, however at the same time, he felt a strange sensation come over him, something about this place was unusual and strange but he just couldn't quite place it.

I think I should go home now... I bet Peso is worried about me! Shellington reminded himself, jolting out of the water "Shellington?, where are you? are you in there?" Peso echoed, clearly nervous "yeah I'm fine Peso!" Shellington assured as he made it to the cave entrance.

"Lets get you back home" Peso chirped, clearly exhausted after the long journey to the Irish coast "alright" Shellington smiled, holding Peso's flipper as the two walked back to the gup, however Shellington couldn't help but look back over his shoulder to the strange caves.

Shellington had barely gotten any sleep, the thoughts about the strange caves had contaminated his mind, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Why were they so strange?why did they bubble in the moon light? he had so many unanswered questions.

Shellington climbed out of bed and decided to take a warm and relaxing bath, hoping it'd clear his mind, he grabbed a towel from the linen closet as he

ran the water and grabbed the soaps off the counter.

Shellington dipped his paw into the water "just right!" Shellington proclaimed as he got in, however he strange sensation came over him

soon he had a tail! the one of a blue beta fish to be exact!

What the hell?! Shellington blurted, letting out loud and harsh breaths, hoping this was a nightmare he'd soon wake up from "please tell me this is just a nightmare!" Shellington breathed

No one could see him like this! what would they think??? please no tail please no tail! Shellington thought desperately.

Soon to his relief, his tail faded away leaving a few blue scales behind, Shellington frantically got out of the tub and dried off, how did this happen to him?!

Shellington walked out of the bathroom, looking as if he had just seen a ghost "hey are you okay Shellington? I heard you from the door." Tweak expressed she walked by, munching on some carrots.

"Y-yeah I'm fine.." Shellington lied awkwardly, walking away "are you sure?" Tweak pressed "yeah I'm sure!" Shellington chimed, walking back to his lab.

Shellington curled up into a ball in his bed.

How am I supposed a marine biologist when I'm a fish?! Shellington asked himself, letting out a groan. how was he supposed to tell anyone about this?!

Tunip happily bursted into the room, he had brought Shellington a kelp cake and some hot cocoa, Shellington noticed.

"Sorry Tunip, dad's having a bit of a crisis right now.." Shellington grumbled as he sat up, embracing the vegimal "about what?" Tunip pressed, pulling himself away, "oh... it's hard to explain.." Shellington put simply.

Tunip let out a soft moan of sadness, poor Shellington. Shellington thanked Tunip before he left.

Shellington decided to study his newfound scales out of boredom, however they were now all dry they just looked like ordinary pieces of fur, Shellington decided to wet them to see what would happen.

Shellington grasped the eye dropper as he placed the pieces of fur into a small dish, the fur pieces had become scales "hm.. fascinating.." Shellington grumbled.

Octonauts to the launch bay!

Shellington rushed down to the launch bay as fast as his paws could carry him soon making it down to the launch bay, "there's a basking shark in danger, we got to find him, Peso, Kwazii and Shellington in the Gup-A" Captain Barnacles commanded.

Shit! Shellington thought to himself as he nervously climbed into the gup, his thoughts racing like sailfish, Peso could tell something was definitely bothering Shellington "is something wrong?" Peso asked.

"Yeah... I just have a lot on my mind right now.." Shellington admitted, knowing he couldn't tell Peso what exactly was bothering him.. At least not now.

"Alright, if you want we can talk about it later!" Peso assured "okay.." Shellington responded, feeling slightly at ease.


Shellington was exhausted after the mission, he just wanted to flop onto his bed and call it a day once he finally arrived home to the Octopod.

Shellington rolled in his bed, ready to buckle down for the night and watch a movie with Peso

The guilt was eating at him he couldn't keep it from Peso any longer "Peso, I need to show you something." Shellington finally stated, clearly serious, Peso stared at him confused.

"You know those strange caves I visited... well something strange happened to me.. just splash me..." Shellington requested "okay??" Peso mumbled as he waddled over the to sink, filling up a glass of water.

Peso proceeded to splash Shellington, magic appearing before his eyes .

"You're a fish????" Peso gasped at the sight of Shellington's tail "yeah... those caves were really weird.... they uh- turned me into a fish.." Shellington explained, glancing down at the floor letting out a small groan what was Peso going to say?!

Peso stood silently for a moment as it collected its thoughts, "it's okay, I love you no matter what" Peso assured softly as it preened Shellington's fur, Shellington let out content purrs in response "thanks Peso..." Shellington finally says as he dries himself off.

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