Chapter three - Curiosity Kills The Cat

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Kwazii stared at the ceiling, they wanted some answers

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Kwazii stared at the ceiling, they wanted some answers.

I should ask Peso! maybe it knows why Shellington is acting weird! Kwazii concluded, getting off his bed and walking down to the corridor to the sick bay.

Kwazii opened the door, noticing that Peso was putting some bandages on the shelf

"Ahoy Peso! Kwazii greeted, Peso let out a yelp of surprise.

"Oh.. sorry about that. You startled me!" Peso apologized "no it's fine matey" Kwazii assured "anyway what can I help you with?" Peso mumbled "do you know what's wrong with Shellington? he's been acting really weird." Kwazii questioned.

Peso froze what was he supposed to tell Kwazii??? "Oh he's just got a lot on his mind, that's all!" Peso uttered, turning to the shelf as a droplet of sweat trickled down its cheek "okay.." Kwazii responded, heading back to his room.

Kwazii let out a grunt as they went into the kitchen, the vegimals had said something, they just didn't know what they had said.

Tunip waved at Kwazii as he saw them get some cocoa and a kelp cake "ahoy Tunip.." Kwazii grumbled Tunip gave them a sympathetic glance, as if it was Tunip's way of asking what the problem was.

"It's nothing much, I'm just really confused." Kwazii murmured as he took a bite out of the cake, "do you know why your dad's been acting weird?" Kwazii asked, hoping that Tunip had some answers.

Tunip shrugged his shoulders, he didn't have a clue, Barrot, Codish, Grouber, and Tominnow shrugged their shoulders as to. Kwazii left the room.

"No answers for me I guess... wait I know! I should ask Shellington himself." Kwazii exclaimed, feeling like a light bulb had just been flicked on in his brain.

Kwazii spirited to Shellington's lab, bursting into the room "YEOW!" Kwazii yelped, Shellington flinched and jumped out of his chair "Kwazii?!" Shellington gasped "why are you so jumpy? everything okay matey?" Kwazii meowed "sorry you just scared me by bursting into my room like that-" Shellington heaved.

"Are you alright? you've been acting different that usual. like more jumpy . is there something bothering you genuinely? you can tell me." Kwazii "it's nothing trust me!" Shellington responded defensively yet politely at the same time, really hoping Kwazii would just drop it already.

"Alright, good to know matey, I just wanted to check up on you." Kwazii meowed walking out of the room, heading to Inkling's library out of boredom, knowing he'd probably get bored by reading a book.

Shellington buried his head into his pillow, should he just straight up tell Kwazii what's going on? he wasn't sure how long he could keep this going.

Kwazii didn't really buy Shellington's answer, he could always tell when someone wasn't being truthful I should probably just drop it it's probably something personal. Kwazii reasoned


Shellington gazed out the window Im gonna go for a swim Shellington decided, it was 5 am, Peso had gone to bed hours ago.

Shellington got out of his chair and stretched, gently stroking Peso's head "I love you" Shellington whispered before leaving the room.

Shellington knew that probably no one was awake right now, this means he'd be safe to go for a swim... or so he thought. Kwazii had went to the kitchen for a snack, when he heard Shellington go downstairs to the launch bay why is Shellington going to the launch bay at 5 am?! Kwazii gasped to himself, deciding to go investigate.

Shellington made it to the launch bay, feeling his tail appear and swam out the Octo-Hatch,

Kwazii made it down, no Shellington in sight "he might be sleep walking. I better follow him!" Kwazii meowed, diving into the launch bay tank.

Shellington took in his surroundings as he swam around the kelp forest, noticing every small little thing "oh crabs!" Shellington exclaimed as he examined them, identifying each and every one.

Kwazii could hear Shellington's voice coming from the kelp forest, Kwazii swam closer, as quietly as possible, he saw Shellington petting some crabs, not unusual. but then he saw something... strange.

Shellington swam away, but not in typical sea otter fashion. he had a tail and fins "no wonder he asked me about mermaids!" Kwazii whispered to itself, everything now making sense.

Kwazii remembered how nervous Shellington was when they had found the betta scales, Shellington was nervous because those were his scales!

Kwazii decided to follow Shellington some more out of curiosity, Shellington swam up to the surface "maybe I should take a rest here, like old times" Shellington murmured, grasping onto a piece of kelp as he watched the fading stars.

Kwazii didn't want to bother Shellington, at first it thought about confronting him however Shellington looked to peaceful, Kwazii didn't want to interrupt his moment of peace.

Shellington wished Peso could be beside him right now, maybe some other time.. Shellington told himself "jumping jellyfish!" Shellington exclaimed, realizing that the sun had began to rise. No one could see him like this!

Kwazii swam away, questioning weather or not he should let Shellington know that he knows now, turning his back as he started to swim back to the Octopod.

"Kwazii?!" Shellington let out a gasp "you followed me?!" Shellington added, Kwazii turned around "I just wanted to make sure you were safe matey! I didn't know where you were going! I thought you were sleep walking." Kwazii explainedShellington wasn't sure what he should say, should he be mad at Kwazii?

"I need to process this..." Shellington breathed, swimming away towards the direction of the Octopod, Kwazii looked down at his paws "shiver me whiskers... I messed up." Kwazii sighed, realizing their mistake.


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