Chapter 4 - Catnip and Moon Possession

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Okay so I'd like to mention to that later in the chapter Shellington is intentionally out of character, in H2O when a character is moonstruck (which is when they stare at a full moon, see its reflection or if they see moonlight) they basically do and or say things they normally wouldn't and the moon basically possesses them.

Oh and Kwazii gets high of catnip so it makes sense why he'd sound funny and stuff.

Shellington swam into the Octo-Hatch and grasped his towel, drying himself off.

Shellington quietly ran upstairs and shut his door behind him, gasping for breath.

He crawled into bed, wrapping his paws around Peso and pulling him close I guess I'm only going to get two hours of sleep today- Shellington thought to himself, half asleep.

Shellington awoke with a jolt, the sound of the Octo-Alert ringing in his ears Octonauts, to the launch bay!

Shellington rushed down the Octo-Chute, making it down to the launch bay, looking rough, so rough that he still had his pajamas on.

"Kwazii, Peso into the Gup-E" Captain Barnacles commanded, they were on their way to rescue some gray seals that were in danger, Shellington let out a sigh of relief and said goodbye to Peso.

"You okay Shellington? you look rough." Dashi commented "yeah I'm fine... I just got only two hours of sleep that's all" Shellington assured, a concerned expression appearing on Dashi's face.

"Shellington... that is not good. You should really try and get some sleep!" Dashi exclaimed "yeah good idea" Shellington replied heading upstairs "he doesn't look to good" Tweak remarked as she nibbled on a carrot "yeah. hopefully taking a nap helps!" Dashi added.

Shellington flopped onto his bed and closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.


Tweak and Dashi were eating lunch together, "Dashi, this might be just me but don't you think Shellington's acting kind of weird?" Tweak mentioned as she ate a carrot kelp cake "now that you mention it.... yeah" Dashi replied.

"And what makes it weirder is that for some reason he's been eating mussels??? which is something I thought he hated?? and not cooked mussels either. Raw mussels." Tweak murmured "yeah and Peso's been acting kind of weird lately to? It's like there's something they're both worried about but I just can't seem to figure it out" Dashi mumbled.

"Me either. Anytime I ask them if something is wrong they both get all jittery." Tweak murmured "I think they're hiding something." Tweak added.


Shellington looked out the window and stared at the full moon, he was captivated by it.

However, something strange happened...

Shellington then went to the kitchen to get himself some cocoa, however while he was getting a mug from the cabinet he dropped it on the floor. It shattered into little pieces.

Usually, Shellington would have just been like "opps, I'll get that" but not today. "You've got to be fucking kidding me right now?!" Shellington blurted, Professor Inkling was walking by "Shellington, please watch your language." Professor Inkling requested as it walked away, Shellington giving it a pissed off glance.

Kwazii was in their room, rolling around in catnip and chewing on yarn.

"oH hI pEsO" Kwazii greeted as Peso walked down the hall to its room.

"Oh nothing much... Shellington's just grumpy. I don't think he got enough sleep." Peso mumbled.

"nO hE'S mOonsTrUck mE hEaRty" Kwazii began, Peso gave them a confused glance "iT'S wHeN mErpEoPle lOoK aT fuLl mOonS and tHEy bEcOmE pOsSeSsTeD aNd sTuFf, I lEaRneD aBoUt iT wHiLe dOiNg mE rEsEaRcH" Kwazii explained.

"Sense when did you do research???" Peso remarked "THATS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW. kEeP hiM aWaY fRoM wAtEr pEsO" Kwazii responded "FUCK YOU!" Shellington fumed, giving Kwazii the middle finger and filling up a glass of water and splashing himself.

Peso stood there flabbergasted, it had never seen Shellington so angry. Especially not to the point where he'd start cursing. this moonstruck stuff is serious business... Peso thought to itself.

Peso looked at Kwazii, "what do we do?" Peso began to panic. No one could see Shellington like this. Kwazii gave Peso an unsure glance "I dOnT kNoW mAtEy" Kwazii responded, flattening his ears.

Peso began running around the room, what was it going to do?! Kwazii was high on catnip and Shellington was moonstruck .

Tweak was sipping her sweet tea as she walked down the hall, however the noise coming from Kwazii's room was... strange.

Tweak decided to go investigate for herself.

"What in the everglades is happening- why does Shellington have fins?" Tweak gasped, looking like she'd seen a ghost "oH uH hEs A mErmAn" Kwazii awkwardly explained, looking away to see Peso attempting to comfort a moonstruck Shellington.

Dashi walked in, looking for her girlfriend Tweak. However she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Merpeople exist? they weren't some myth made up by sailors??

"oH hi dAsHi! jUsT dEAliNG wiTh a mOoNstRucK mErMaN" Kwazii meowed,

Captain Barnacles soon come downstairs because of the commotion.

"What's happening???" Captain Barnacles asked, observing the room "oH nOtHinG cApTaIn yOu cAn gEt tO sLeEp nOw" Kwazii assured "I've seen enough for one night-" Captain Barnacles remarked, not even questioning Shellington's fish tail.

Peso had finally gotten Shellington to bed "how did this all happen?" Tweak asked, very curious "remember when Shellington went exploring in those sea caves?" Peso began, Tweak nodded her head "Well... they turned him into a fish..." Peso finished.

"Well... that definitely explains a lot!" Tweak exclaimed, no wonder Shellington was eating raw mussels!


Shellington awoke. "What happened??" Shellington asked, looking at Peso in confusion. He couldn't remember what had happened the night before.

"The moon um... basically possessed you and you got really upset... oh and you got really mad at Kwazii.. and everyone found out..." Peso explained, hesitantly.

Shellington began to tear up, his vision was blurred by his salty tears, how could he have let this happen?! everyone knew now, not just Kwazii... everyone.

Peso was trying to comfort him, Shellington couldn't even look into his partners eyes. This was to much for him right now.

"I-I need some alone time..." Shellington sniffled, pulling away from Peso and locking himself in his bathroom "I'll be right across the hall if you need me!" Peso called, walking to the sick bay feeling terrible.

Shellington curled up into a ball on the bathroom floor How could he have treated Kwazii like that?! How could he have treated anyone like that?!

Shellington put on a brave face, wiping away his tears. He was going to apologize to everyone.

okay yall, you guys also get a shit post I made as a treat >:3


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