Underwater Talk

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Piper's POV
Posiden's castle was breathtaking. I stood there stunned as Percy looked perfectly fine. I guess he would be, he's been here before. We walked up to the door and Percy opened it. Inside was blue marble flooring with giant white columns. There was a big room with three doors. At the end of the room was an empty throne. Posiden's throne. "Which door?" Percy looked around, then at me. "We don't have to choose, just whistle." And with that he stick his fingers in between his lips and blew. His whistle echoed through out the castle. Seconds later the ground started shaking, then a cyclops came running around the corner. "Ah!" I screamed but Percy smiled. The cyclops ran up to Percy and hugged him. "Brother! I missed you!" Percy looked like he was about to pop. "Yea, you to big guy" then he added "c-cant breath". The cyclops let go and Percy just breathed for a moment. Then he turned towards me. "Piper, this is Tyson, my brother" Tyson looked at me with one big brown eye. He came over and hugged me lighter than he hugged Percy. "Follow me!" Tyson started walking back the way he came. I fell back and talked so only Percy could hear me. "Your brothers a cyclops?" "Long story, I was shocked at first to but he's nice and I got used to him" I nod. How does that even happen? I have no idea. But compared to the gods love story, a demigod having a half brother that's a cyclops is normal.
Percy's POV
Tyson brought us to a big room. I guess this is where he works. There's tridents lining the walls along with swords and other weapons. There was one trident by itself along the back wall. I walked over and looked at it. It was gold, with a custom made handle. "Did you make all these?" Piper asked Tyson. "Yes! I make weapons!" She nodded. "Yea, I can tell" he smiled and looked at me. "I made that yesterday" he said noticing me studying the trident. I noticed an ingraving right above the handle. It read something in Greek. "Impressive" I said. Tyson just clapped and smiled. I need to ask him if he knows anything. I turn to Tyson. "Tyson I have a question". "Ok I'm listening" he said clapping and sitting down. "So, this morning at camp the emergency alarm went of. It only goes of when something steps on a motion detector placed along the barriors. Anything non-demigod. But they are made to only go of when anything bigger or heavier than a giant steps on it. There were also four cyclops outside the entrance." He nodded. "We wanted to know if you knew of any group like things going around." "Why would you want to know about a group." He looked at me. "Well, Annabeth thinks that it was a group of something setting the alarms of. We left camp and came here since you talk to dad just about everyday, we thought you might know something." We all sat in silence while Tyson thought. "Maybe, dad told me about a group of people going around. He told me they wear shoes that leave animal prints. If you look closely tho, there's a signature on them." That's perfect. Now we just need to know if those prints are around the camp barrier. "Tyson, could you come back to camp with us and look around the camp barriers? We need to see if there are any of those prints, but only you know what they look like." He jumped up and clapped making me and Piper fall on the floor. "Yes! Yes!" "Ok buddy, we should get going, Chiron said to return as soon as we get information" and with that me left.
When we arrived at camp I had to give Tyson permission to enter camp. We walked towards the big house. As we walked everyone looked at us. It's not everyday you see a cyclops walking through a demigod camp. Jason, Leo, and Annabeth were standing with Chelsea, Nolan and Nathan. Jason told them something then him Leo and Annabeth walked up to us. Chelsea looked confused to see Tyson. We got to the big house and went in. "Chiron, we're back!" I yelled. He came out from the hallway. "What did you find out? Oh! Hello Tyson, I didn't expect you to be here." Tyson smiled. "Chiron, Tyson has an idea of what could have set of the alarm." We all walked and stood around the ping pong table, also our meeting spot. "He's with Annabeth's idea. Dad told him about this group of people who wear special boots that have animal prints so they don't look human. The prints that is." Chiron nodded. "I asked him to come and look around to see if he could see any prints." Annabeth spoke up. "Tyson, do you know what the group is called?" She asked, her eyes storming over. They were a darker gray than normal. They always were when she was thinking. "They don't have a group name".
Nico's POV
I woke up that morning and got ready. I walked out expecting it to be a regular day, and I was wrong. I saw a cyclops walking with Percy and Piper. I was happy to see Percy. I know it was only one day but hey, you can miss someone even in the shortest amount of time. I then saw Jason, Leo, and Annabeth walk towards them. I felt a little bit of jealousy, then I remembered, Percy's mine. He's my boyfriend not hers and that thought made me happy. I walked towards the big house were they were heading.
I walked up the steps, Percy and them were already inside and I could hear them talking. I walked in and everyone looked at me, then went back to talking. Percy motioned me over, and I stood next to him. From what I understood, they think there's a group of people outside of the camp. "What do you think they are?'' "We don't know" Percy said. "Well if they were demigods why haven't they came into camp yet?" Leo asked. "Why? Because its a camp full of strange demigods they don't know, would you enter?" Leo nodded. We all sat there thinking. "Well, it could be what Nico said." Annabeth looked like it hurt her to say that. That made me smirk. "It could be a group of demigods, and they're just to scared to enter camp." She thought for a minute. Piper spoke up, "Or it could just be a group of monsters to." Chiron finally spoke up. "We can't just sit here and wait to find out! Percy you and the seven including Nico and Tyson need to make a plan." I looked at Percy. I could tell he was thinking. "Ok, Nico, can you go to Camp Jupiter and get Hazel and Frank?" I nod. "Ok so here's what I think we should do, there's nine of us with Nico and Tyson added right?" We all nod. "Then, we split up into groups of two exceot konew geoup and spread out across the outside of camp. If we see or hear anything then we whistle and all meet at the same place." "Its a good plan, but where would we meet?" Percy looked at me. "We can meet outside the entrance to camp." Chiron stood up from his wheelchair. "The plan is understood. Nico, go get you sister and Frank, meet back here in ten minutes" I look at Percy give him a hug, and then leave.
Percy's POV
Nico came back about eight minutes later with Hazel and Frank. "Did you explain the plan to them Neeks?" "Yea". I look around at all the nine. "So, who's with who?" I know I'm going to be with Nico. Annabeth looks at me. "You and Nico, Piper and Jason, Hazel and Frank, and I'll go with Leo and Tyson." A look of worry passed over Leo, then it quickly was exchanged for a smirk. "Ok, so just spread out around the camp, you remember what to do if you see or hear anything." We all walk towards the entrance and me and Nico walk towards the left. We decide to stand with the ocean to our right, just in case we needed any water assistance. Nico stood to my left. I turned to face him, I grabbed his hand. "I missed you Neeks" I say. He looks at our hands and then back at me. "I missed you to" I smiled. "At least it didn't take to long to get there and back." I sit down on the ground and Nico sits next to me. I kiss his forehead. After that we just sit there.
After about half an hour I hear something. I quickly stand up and Nico does the same. I draw riptide and he brings out his sword. "Did you hear that?" I ask him. He looks out in the direction of the noise. "Yea". We stand there with our weapons drawn. Then five boys and one other girl walk out of the woods. "Hey" the one that looks like the leader says. "I'm Cody and these are my friends" he gestures too the three other boys and one girl.

Hey! Hope you enjoy this chapter. I finally gave up trying to think of a group name, so I just decided to make them even more mysterious and go without a name. I should be updating another chapter today, so two in the same day to make up for the long wait! Bye!

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