The date

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Percy's POV
I woke up the next morning in Nico's cabin. I looked down at him and saw he was still sleeping. He's so cute when he's asleep. I'm lucky I found him, I hate that I haven't been spending a lot of time with him. Maybe today I'll take him on a date. If he wants to that is. I smile to myself. I hear the breakfast bell and decide to wake him up. "Nico come in, time for breakfast" I shake his shoulder lightly. He groans but looks up at me. "I don't want to eat breakfast" I look at him. "Ok well I was wanting to know if you wanted to go on a date tonight." He blushed a little but answered. "Sure, no where fancy tho" I laugh. "Me? Fancy? Hello? It's me Percy. " he laughs. We all know I can't be fancy. "Alright well then, let's go ask Chiron after we eat" he groans but agrees. I go to my cabin to get dressed. I walk in quietly not wanting to wake Sarah If she was asleep. I saw she was so I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth. I slipped out of our cabin to go get Nico. When I got there he was ready so we went to breakfast. I grabbed his hand and we walked in. We sat down at our normal spot and ate. Afterwards we went and asked Chiron for permission to leave camp. "But be careful" we nodded and left. "Alright I'll pick you up in like ten minutes at your cabin ok?" "Alright" and I leave for my cabin. I walk in and see Sarah sitting on her bed. "Hey Percy" "hey" "what are you doing today?" "Me and Nico are leaving camp to go on a date." "Are we allowed to leave camp?" "I asked Chiron and he gave us permission" she nods. "Well I just wanted you know that I wouldn't be here today" she nods and I wave goodbye. I leave and go to Nico's cabin. I knock and he answers. I'm early, eight minutes early. "Me and you have a different idea of town minutes huh?" He smirks and walks down the stairs closing thee door behind him. "Didn't take as long as I thought". "Race you to the edge of camp!" I say and start running. I hear Nico yelling and running after me. I got to the edge and put my hands on my knees out of breath. Nico finally catches up. "I won" I say out of breath. "Yea because you cheated" Nico says and playfully slaps my arm. We both laugh and walk out of camp.
When we get into the city, we decide on a small corner cafe. We go in and the smell of coffee and other smells hits us. It smells so good! I walk over to a two person seat near a window and hold out Nico's seat. He takes it and I push it in. I then sit down. A waitress comes over and takes our order. "What drinks would you like?" "I want Pepsi" "me to" she writes down our drinks and gives us menus. "I'll be back shortly to take your orders" she smiles and walks away. Me and Nico pick up our menus and look at them. I decide on a BLT sandwhich. Nico decides on chicken casserole. Weird, a cafe and we don't even get coffe. The waitress comes back and takes our order and then takes our menus. She shuffles of into the kitchen. I look at Nico, and smile. He's looking around and then feels my stare and looks at me. "What?" "Nothing" I say laughing. I'm having a lot of fun. I hope he is to.
Nico's POV
For our date Percy and me decided on a little cafe. It was cozy and smelled good. Now we were just waiting for our food. I'm looking around at the scenery and the paintings when I feel eyes on me. I look over to see Percy staring at me. "What?" I ask. "Nothing" he says laughing. I just shrug it off and continue looking around. The waitress comes back with our food. We both start eating. My casserole is delicious, and by the looks of it Percy's BLT is good. He's already half way done. "Is it good?" I ask and he looks up. He laughs "yea, is your casserole good?" I nod. He grabs a fork and takes a tiny fork full of it and taste it. "Yum! This is good" "now I get to try your BLT" I take a knife and cut of a peice from a side he hasn't eaten of off. "This is good" we both laugh and continue eating. I felt someone staring at me and looked up. It wasn't Percy. It was this girl. She had red wmo like hair and a lip piercing. She was wearing all black. I like her jeans tho. I begin to get uncomfortable and look away. I finish my food and take a drink of my drink. "That was good" he nods. "Yea we'll have to come back again sometime and try something new". I look at my watch. It's getting late, and something about that girl makes me uncomfortable. "Its getting late, we should get going." I tell Percy. We wait for the waitress to come over. Percy insist on paying so he pays and we start leaving. Once we are outside I feel a little better. We head for camp.
~mini time skip~
When we get back to camp its almost dinner. We decide to skip it because we just ate. We go to my cabin, and sit on the bed. We start kissing, and one thing leads to another and we ended up having a heated make out session. Afterwards we both curled up on my bunk and watched a movie. Eventually I fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter but I realized I haven't been making Percy and Nico act like a couple so I thought this chapter would be good if it was just about them having quality time together. I hope you enjoyed it! There might be another chapter up tonight, depends on if I feel like writing later. Bye!

Percico- a love never seenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon