Explanations and Secrets

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Hey guys! This chapter may be long or short. Honestly when writing I never know? Sometimes I'll have something written and think of newer ideas and add them in. Still, hope y'all all enjoy!

Nico's POV

"So.. What's wrong?"
"A-annabeth. S-she. I walked up on her k-kissing some other guy I didn't recognize"
I'm stunned, not just stunned. I'm mad. How could she do this to him? He's perfect, and always nice to her. He's the boyfriend you want. At least, the one I want. He's nice and funny and hot I don't see how Annabeth could do this to him.
"I'm sorry"
He looks up at me with watery eyes. I walk over to his bed and sit next to him. Then. Percy hugs me. It was unexpected. Normally I don't like people touching me, but this feels.... Right..... Like Its supposed to happen. I hug back. Soon enough he's crying.
"I-i loved her Nico. How could she do this? I hate her!"
"I don't know Perce, some people just don't know what they have or had, until its gone." He pulls away from our hug. He looks at me with those eyes. The ones I fell in love with.
"Yea Perce?"
It was silent for a second. It was a comfortable silence. I didn't want it to end.
"Thanks" he finally says.
"No problem, I'll get going and let you rest. Its getting late. Bye Percy"
"Bye Nico" the last thing I see is Percy laying back down.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm trying to make up some more ideas. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this short chapter. I had fun writing it. It was a fluff chapter! Bye!

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