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Percy's POV

"I'm Sarah, daughter of posiden" those words kept running through my head. I couldn't believe I had a sister. After me and Annabeth broke up, she was like a sister to me but I mean, now I have a same godly parent sibling. Its exciting.
"Well Sarah, I guess your my sister" "yea, guess I am." "Would you like to meet my friends?" She shakes her head yes. I decide to let them introduce them selves. Piper goes first.
"Hi! I'm Piper, daughter of Aphrodite, its nice to meet you"
"I'm Annabeth, daughter of Athena" she smiles at Sarah
"I'm Jason, son of Zeus" he shakes her hand.
"I'm Leo, son of Hephaestus" he gives that sideways smirk of his.
Everybody gets done introducing themselves, all but Nico. They all turn to him. I guess he gets the hint because he finally introduces himself.
"Hi. I'm Nico, son of Hades" Sarah looked a little shocked. Hopefully Nico didn't notice. It didn't matter, he wouldn't hurt her. I know that for a fact. "So Sarah, do you want me to show you around camp?" "Sure!" I'm really glad she likes to talk, and isn't a quiet person. "Well let's go" as I'm leaving I stop and turn around. "I'll see y'all at dinner" they all nodded and left, except Nico. "I'll be in the arena" and he headed towards that direction. "Let's go"
After I showed Sarah around the camp, we only had one other place to go. The arena. I'm hoping Nico's still there. When we enter, I'm glad to see him slashing at dummy's. His hair is sticking to his forehead with sweat. He looks so cute. I just want to kiss him. I have to tell Sarah, but I'll tell her later tonight after I get to know her. Maybe she won't hate me. "Hey Neeks" he looks at me. "I asked you not to call me that." He grabs a towel and walks towards us. He wipes the sweat of his forehead. "Did Sarah enjoy the tour" "I guess" I look at Sarah. "Did you?" "Yes! Percy is very informative!" Nico starts laughing, he doubles over holding his stomach. "What?" I ask. "What?!, am I that bad?!"
"Haha, no its just funny. Never mind"
"So, Percy are you good at sword fighting?" Me and Nico both look at her. "Good? Hes the best sword fighter in the camp." Nico said smiling. I'm glad he's mine, and only mine. "Wow, I'll just have to see you fight one day"
"Oh you will little sis, you just wait, Oh yea! This is the fighting arena, sometimes we do matches other times its just used for practice and other stuff." She nods looking around. As shes doing so I talk to Nico. "Nico, I'm going to tell her about us and about me tonight. I want to get to know her first." He nods. "I get it." I smile at him "thanks Nico, I'm new to this 'big brother' thing" he smiles a small smile then he nods. "Welp, I'm tired I'll see you tomorrow" he gave me a small kiss and waved goodbye to Sarah. Luckily she was still looking around and didn't see us kiss. I want her to find out my way, when I want her to know. "You ready to see our cabin?" "Yea" I nod and motion for her to follow me. When we get there I left her choose her bed. She chooses the one right across from mine. Then we sit and we just talk.
"So Sarah, what's your life story?" "Well, I lived with my mom until I was twelve and that's when she died. My step dad was furious and became abusive. So I ran away. A year later, which is now I'm running through the woods being chased by a monster and this guy with goat legs comes and kills the monster with reed pipes. He brings me here and boom! I meet you and everyone else." I nod. "I'm sorry about your mom" she nods. "And the goat person, is a styr, his names Grover, he's my best friend" "really?" "Yep" she smiles. Her smile matches mine. She looks so much like me. "Look, I'm not the overprotective type but if someone does hurt you I'll hurt them" she nods again. "What's your life story" she ask. Oh god. I laugh " this will take awhile" she smiles "we have time" "well, I lived in new York with my mom and step dad. I went to school with Grover. Although, he was dressed up as a student so he could protect me. And my teacher attacked me, which she turned out to be a monster. Me Grover and my mom came to camp. But, she couldn't come in because she was mortal. So she was kidnapped. So me Grover and Annabeth went on a quest to get her back. She was in the underworld and we saved her. I came back here and been here since." She nodded. Thats only partial of my past. I kept it small though. I need to ask her now. I just needed to know her past and bond with her first so she wouldn't judge me. So here I go. "What do you think about gay people?" She looks at me for a minute then answers, "I had a gay friend, he was nice why?" I just look a her. Then it clicks. "Are you gay?" I shake my head yes. She climbs onto my bed and hugs me. "Percy, I just found out I had a brother I'm not going to let a little thing like them being gay get in the way." She smiled, I'm so grateful that she doesn't hate me. I hug her back tightly. Then she goes back to her bed. "Do you have a boooyyyfriend?" She ask like a little kid asking for cookies. I laugh and shake my head. "You can meet him tomorrow" I turn of the light and fall asleep.
Nico's POV
I woke up to the sunlight shining through the window into my eyes. I look at the time. Then i hear the breakfast bell. I sigh and get up. I brush my hair and teeth. I put on black skinny jeans, plain black tee shirt and black vans. I head out of my cabin. When I do I see Percy and Sarah coming out of the Posiden cabin. Percy's hair is messy as usual. He's wearing a navy blue polo with regular jeans and tennis shoes. Sarah's wearing cacky shorts with a orange Camp Half-Blood tee shirt, with sandals and her hairs down. They come up to me. "Mornin' guys" "morning" Sarah says and flashes a smile. It reminds me so much of Percy's smile. She looks so much like him. The way they stand, there eyes, hair, and smile. She's my height so Percy's resting his elbow on her head. "Let's go eat" and we head towards the pavilion.
When we walk in all heads are on us. We hear people whisper things. Is that the new girl? Is she Percy's sister?! They look so much alike! They have to be related, only Posiden kids have those eyes! We ignore them and make our way to the gang. Jason, Piper, Leo, and Annabeth are sitting there. "Hey Sarah! Did Percy annoy you all night?" Piper asked as soon as we sat down. "Hey! I'm right here!" We all laughed. Then we all ate and laughed. It was fun. After we finished Percy mentioned going to the beach. Piper had plans to do a girls night with her sisters. Jason had shrines to build. Leo was working on some new machine. And Annabeth was working on the blue prints for Olympus. So it was just me, Percy, and Sarah. We made our way down. As soon as dirt turned to sand Percy's shirt and shoes were of and he was in the water. I just sat to the side with Sarah. When Percy came out he was dry. "How is he dry?" I laughed and threw my head back. I layed in the sand and answered her question. "Posiden kid powers." Its just that simple. He willed the water to keep him dry. Maybe because he was in jeans. He went back under and when he came back he was soaked. He ran to his cabin and came back seconds later in swim trunks. He jumped in. "Nico! Come here!" I sighed and stood up. "What do you want" I said as I slowly approached him. Sarah stayed at the same spot just watching. "Tricked you!" He yelled, and before I knew what was happening I was in the water. I screamed on my way in earning myself a mouth full of sea water. When I came back up I spit the water out and death glared Percy. He was just laughing. And Sarah was watching us amused. One thing led to another and we ended up having the biggest water fight ever. It ended when Percy summoned a huge wave to come down on me. I came up and put my hands up in surrender "you win." I say! He pumps his fist in the air and laughs. Then walks over to me and talks in a quieter voice so only me and him can hear what hes saying. "I talked to Sarah and she's ok with me being gay, she wants to meet my boyfriend tho." He smiled. "She already has." "Yea but she doesn't know that." I laugh and shake my head. "Well then, let's let her meet your boyfriend" and we made our way towards Sarah.

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