Family Visit

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Percy's POV
When I woke up Nico was snoring lightly. He was so cute when he snored. Sarah was facing the wall asleep. I looked at the time and it read 8:30. Breakfast is in 30 minutes. I got out of bed quietly. I shake Sarah's shoulder lightly. She tuerns over and sits up. "Sarah come on breakfast is in twenty five minutes. Get dressed." She nods and grabs some clothes. As she's getting ready I throw on my clothes quickly. I put on a blue tank top with bord shorts and flip flops. Sarah comes out in blue jean shorts and a green shirt. "Why haven't you woke Nico up yet?" "He's not a morning person. He gets really grumpy." She laughs quietly. I set on the desk chair and move the water inside the fountain trying to pass time. Sarah just puts her hair in a ponytail. Now we only have ten minutes. Nico gets ready quickly so I'll wake him now. I go over to the bed and shake his shoulder. "Nico come on wake up" Sarah looks up at my sudden words. Nico groans and rolls over pulling the covers up closer to his chin. "Nico come on breakfast is in eight minutes." He turns on his side and looks at me. He sits up and rubs his eyes. "To early, Jackson" and he walks into the bathroom. Five minutes later he comes back out dressed and ready to go. We  head towards the dining pavilion, I take Nico's hand in mine and we enter. When we sit down Leo walks over. He has toast and orange juice. Again, he is busy working. Jason and Piper walk in and set down. Annabeth walks in with a blue print in hand. She still has to re-design Olympus "Good morning guys." "morning" we all eat and talk. After breakfast we walk out if the pavilion and see Hazel and Frank standing there. "Hazel!" Nico runs over and hugs his sister. "Hey Frank" "hey" I hug Frank, then Hazel. "How have you guys been?" "Good, Camp Jupiter hasn't been easy running but Frank has handled it easy." Hazel pecks Frank on the cheek. I notice Sarah hanging back not knowing who Hazel and Frank are. "Guys, this is my sister Sarah" I pull her by the arm to where we are all standing. "Hey Sarah" "Hi" "I'm Frank, son of Ares/Mars" they shake hands. Hazel gives her a hug. "Hi, I'm Hazel daughter of Hades/Pluto" Sarah hugs back. I think now she knows that Hades kids won't hurt her. Nico is smiling and hugs his sister again. "Hey guys I have to go do something real quick I'll catch up later okay?" "ok" I run towards my cabin. I want to visit my mom but don't want her to have two big surprises when I arrive. She doesn't know I'm gay, or that I have a boyfriend. I go over to the fountain and throw in a golden dramach. "Oh goddess of messages please accept my offering and show me Sally Jackson" a misty picture then shows my mom sitting at the dinner table with Paul. She notices my message because she yells my name. "Percy!" "Hey mom" I smile. "Hey Percy" "hi Paul" "Mom I have to tell you something." She looks worked and I quickly add "its not that bad!" She sighs a sigh of relief. "So what is it honey?" I hesitate. "Sorry I couldn't tell you in person but I've been busy and had a lot to do around camp" "its ok honey, you can tell me anything" Paul goes to stand up and leave. "Paul, stay its kinda' a family matter" he sits back down. Its now or later. "Im gay" they both freeze. Then my mom answers first. "Honey, we still love you no matter what." I sigh. Thank gods. I go to say something else but I'm quickly cut of "i-" "PERCY!" I look at my door and see Hazel run in out of breath. "What happened?" She looks at me worriedly. "I-its L-leo he was working and accidentally spilled oil on an Ares kid." "Oh god, one second" she nods and leaves. "Mom, Paul I'll talk to you guys later, I have to go help Leo" "ok honey love you" "love you to" I swipe my hand through the mist and run to the forge. I see Leo being chased by a beefy Ares kid. "Hey!" I yell. The Ares kid turns around and looks at me, Leo looks at me to. "why are you chasing him? Because he accidentally spilled oil on you? What were you gonna' do? Your twice his size." He looks angry but leaves. That's luck, usually an Ares kid doesn't back down. Leo gets up and runs over. "Thanks man" I pat his back "welcome" he goes back to work and I go to find Hazel. I find her Nico, Frank and Sarah in the Arena. "Hey Perce. Where were you?" Nico ask. "IM" he nods. "What do you guys want to do?" I ask. A smile creeps up Nico's face. "We can battle" "ok." They all sit down and I stand in front of them pretending to be Chiron. "Ok who wants to spar?" Nico stands up. "Anyone else?" No one stands "Guess I'll have to be Percy again and battle" I stop pretending to be Chiron. Me and Nico make our way into the circle. He draws his styagin sword and I uncap riptide. I advance first. I slash at his chest but he sidesteps and cuts my arm. I turn around, he cant be behind me. I swing my arm and cut his face. He staggers back but quickly recovers. He lunges at me and I duck and roll. Before he can turn around, I grab his arm and twist it behind his back and grab his sword. I push him to the ground and but my sword at his throat. He puts his hands up in surrender and I give him back his sword, then help him up. We wipe the sweat away with towels and head back to the group. Frank high fives me. I pump my fist in the air and laugh. Nico shakes his head but laughs to. I kiss his forehead and we head back to his cabin. When we enter I lay on Nico's bed. Hazel and Frank sit on her bed. Sarah sits on Nico's desk chair. Nico rolls me into the floor with a thud. "Ow! What was that for?" I ask sitting up and rubbing my head. Frank, Hazel, and Sarah are laughing. Nico just has his eyes closed. I move him over and sit on the edge. "You could have asked me to move" he smacks my arm playfully. "Shut up I'm trying to sleep" Frank stands up and kisses Hazel. "I'm going to head to Jason's cabin" and leaves. Hazel goes to take a shower. "Im going to visit my mom tomorrow, do you guys want to come?" "Sure! I want to meet her." I look at Nico. His eyes are still closed. "Come onnn Nnneeekkks!!" I lay down next to him and hug him. He finally opens his eyes. "Ok I'll go" then shuts them again. I kiss him goodnight. "I'm going to my cabin" he nods and rolls over. "Come on" me and Sarah walk to our cabin. I lay down and exhale loudly into my pillow. Sarah goes to change into pajamas and get ready for bed. I IM mom.. It shows her and Paul on the couch watching TV. "Hey mom!" "Hi Percy" "I'm going to come visit you guys tomorrow" "I can't wait, love you see you then!" I swipe through the mist and go to the big house. "Chiron can me Nico and Sarah go visit my mom tomorrow?" "Sure, but be careful" he smiles and so do I. "We will, always" and with that I go back to my cabin and lay down. Sarah comes out and lays down to. I turn of the light and fall asleep.
The next day
Percy's POV (again, I know)
When I woke up it was 9:30. I sat up and remember I'm visiting my mom today. I wake up Sarah and we both get ready. I wear blue jeans and light blue t shirt. I also wear my sea green hoodie. It gets cold in New York. Sarah wears blue jeans also, but she wearing a sea world t shirt that I gave her. It was to small on me and fits her perfectly. After we're ready we go over to the Hades cabin. I slowly walk in to find Hazel gone. I guess she didn't wake upo Nico. I walk over and shake his shoulder. He groans and turns over. His eyes flutter open. "What" he says rather harshly. "Come on were going to see my mom. I want her to meet you and Sarah." "You told her yet?" I nod. "I IM her yesterday, that's why I was gone." He nods and sits up. Then, goes into the bathroom. He brushes his teeth and gets dressed, because when he comes out he's ready. "Do you guys have a jacket?" They both nod yes. "Ok let's go." Then we walk to the edge of camp. Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, and Leo are there. Nico hugs Hazel. "See you tomorrow Haze" she hugs him tightly. "Be careful" "always" little diamonds pop up around us. Sarah taps my shoulder and points down at them. "When she's nervous that happens, she's cursed." I say it quiet enough for only Sarah to hear. She nods. "So, we should get going" "Yea, let's go." And we all leave camp and enter New York.
~mini time skip~
We took a cab all the way to my mom's apartment and we are walking up the steps. I knock on the door and she hollers to come in. I step in and see her and Paul sitting on the couch just like last night. "Hey mom" I smile "hey honey." "Um, I brought some friends is that ok?" "Of course honey, bring them in!" And so we all walk in. When my mom sees Sarah she seems shocked. She sits back next to Paul and me Nico and Sarah sit in the couch across from them. "Um mom, this is Sarah" I point to Sarah. "She's a new Posiden camper" "oh so you are his sister?" "Half sister" she similes and hugs her. "You two look so much alike." We both laugh. "Yea we do." I look at Nico "and this is Nico, I think you met him once before." She looks at Nico. "Yes i have, son of who again?" "Hades" Nico says. Paul's face was priceless. I gave him the 'don't worry he won't kill you' look and his face went back to normal. "Well, you can all sleep in Percy's room tonight. I'm sure he won't mind" "nope" Sarah and Nico take there bags to my room along with mine. I take mom and Paul into the kitchen to talk. "Do you remember what I told y'all last night?" They both nod. "Well I didn't mention I had a boyfriend did I?" They both smile. "No Percy you didn't!" My mom, being the fangirl type she is, slaps my arm in a motherly way. "You should have told us" I laugh and so does Paul. "Do you want to meet him?" "Of course honey!" My mom says with a smile. Just then Nico comes in. "Mom, Paul, this is Nico my boyfriend" Nico just blushes and looks down. My mom squeals and hugs us both. I didn't expect her to react that way. After that we just all laugh and watch movies. At ten o'clock my mom ran us all into my room to get ready for bed. I sat at the top of the bed with Nico and Sarah sat at the end. "I didn't know my mom would react the way she did when she found out about us" I say looking at Nico. "It's ok" I smile. My mom peeks her head in the door, "goodnight kids" "goodnight" we all say. She smiles and leaves the room. "So Sarah, did you like my mom?" "Yea, she's nice, and so is your step dad" "yea, they really are" "well I'm tired I'm going to sleep." Nico lays down. "Yea, me to night Percy, night Nico." And she lays down on the air mattress I blew up for her. I get up and turn the light of. I lay down in bed, and snuggle up to Nico. He turns around and snuggles up to my chest. I kiss him and fall asleep. With  Nico in my arms.
~next day ~
Nico's POV (finally, someone besides Percy)
When I wake up I'm snuggled up against Percy's chest, in Percy's arms. I love this feeling. I love him. I look up at his sleeping face and smile to myself. I'm glad he's mine. All mine. I lean in closer and smell the ocean smell he has. I love that smell. His face is so peaceful. I look over at the clock. It 10:30. "Kids, breakfast is ready!" I hear Sally yell from the kitchen. I shake Percy awake. When he's fully awake I kiss him. When I pull away he smiles. "What was that for?" I smile back. "A good morning kiss, dummy" I get up and wake up Sarah. We all go down to breakfast. "Morning mom" Percy says. "Good morning Sally" me and Sarah say. We all make our plates and eat breakfast. Its quiet but not full of tension. Paul stands up and leaves to get ready for work. When he comes back he kisses Sally and leaves. "Percy, do you want to come with me to the store? I have not pick up a few things." "Sure mom" he looks at me. "Are you okay with staying here while we're gone?" I nod. He goes to get dressed and so does Sally. Ten minutes later there ready and heading out the door. Before they left Percy kissed me. Gods I love him. I smile to myself again and sit on the couch. Sarah comes in and sits next to me. I'm still not dressed, and haven't brushed my hair or teeth. I bet I look scary or just really depressed. Truth is, I have never been happier. "Nico" I look up and see Sarah looking at me. "Yea?" "Can you tell me a little bit about Percy?" "Sure" I think. "What exactly do you want to know?'' "How long have you guys been together. I can tell not long since Percy's mom didn't know." "We've been together for about four months." "So, Percy hasn't talked to his mom, besides now in four months?!" I shake my head. "No, Percy is really busy. He has to greet all the new campers, and do other things around camp. That and, he didn't want her to hear him having nightmares." She looks at me confused. "What do you mean nightmares?" "Every demigod has them, sometimes dreams tell the future. But, Percy, his nightmares are worse than most. Also mine and Annabeths." "Why?" I look at her. "I went through Tarturas alone, and Percy had Annabeth, but they still went through it." "What's Tarturas?" "Ask Percy or Chiron. I can't it just brings back bad memory's" she nods understanding what I mean by "bad memory's". She doesn't ask any further questions.
  Percy and Sally come through the door. "Hey guys, what did y'all do while we were gone?" "Talk." He nods. Then kisses me on the cheek. He sits on the other side of me and puts an arm around my shoulder. Sally comes in. "What time are you kids leaving?" I look at Percy. "What time is it?" He ask, Sally looks at her watch. "Its noon" "I guess we'll go ahead and leave." She nods. Percy stands up and hugs his mom, then kisses her cheek. "I'll keep in touch more often I promise" We all walk upstairs and pack up what little we brought. "How are we getting back?" Sarah ask. "I don't have any money" "me either" Percy looks at me. I know what he's thinking. "Only if you have enough energy" Sarah looks between us. I nod. "Sarah, grab my hand" "huh?" "Just do it!" She does as I say. Then Percy takes her other hand. The shadows of the room start coming towards us. "Close your eyes" and we all do. Then we turn into shadows and arrive at camp in the Posiden cabin. Sarah looks frightened. "What was- how- what?" She looks at me. "Shadow travel" me and Percy say at the same time. She nods bit still is a little freaked out. She'll be fine, that just happens. I kiss Percy and tell him I'll see him for dinner and leave. I go into my cabin and find Hazel packing up. "Leaving already?" She jumps and a giant ruby pops out of the ground next to her bed. She turns around. "Gods Nico you scared me, and no I'm not leaving for another hour. I'm just getting ready so I don't have to do it later." "Sorry, and do you want to hang out until you leave?" "Sure, what do you want to do?" She thinks. "We could watch a movie." "Ok, you pick" she walks over to my shelf which has a couple movies. She picks an old black and white film called Titanic original. The real titanic. We sit down and watch the movie until she leaves and I go to dinner with Percy, Sarah, Leo, Jason, and Piper. It was, interesting. Leo spilled his drink because he was working. Piper was laughing like crazy. The soda spilled on Jason so he left to get cleaned up. And Leo chased him and kept apologizing. Yep, crazy dinner.  After, dinner I went to my cabin and fell asleep immediately.

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