Missing love

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Percy's POV
The morning after the date I woke up to Nico slightly snoring. I leaned down and kissed his head. After our date, we came home and went straight to bed, but we still stayed out longer then planned. I got up and it was really early, I was still half asleep. I heard the alarm bells go of and jumped up hitting my head on the wall and waking up Nico. Either me or the emergency alarm. He grabbed his sword and we ran out the door. Almost all of the camp was there, including Chiron. We made our way towards the front and everybody let us pass. I brought out riptide and got reasy to push the pen open. I see what they were all staring at. About thirty feet away from the camp barrier was three or four Cyclops. They all looked hungry. "They can't get in, so why did the alarm go of?" I asked. "I don't, know." Chiron turned to the Ares kids. Of course they were all in full armor, they practically slept in armor. "Any idea children?" Annabeth had that look on her face like she was thinking. "No way a monster made the alarm go of unless they stepped on the motion detectors, but those were made for something bigger." "Bigger? The only thing bigger than a cyclops is a giant. We don't want to fight a giant this early. That and Mr.D isn't here." Nico said not taking his eyes of the cyclops. "So, what set it of?" Man. I wish Tyson were here, maybe he could tell us. "What about Tyson, maybe he knows?" I say. They look at me. By this time Jason, Piper, Leo, Chelsea, Nolan, and Nathan are here. "Only you could get to him Percy." I let that thought sink in. "Ok, Percy, you and the seven come to the big house." We all walked to the big house. I put riptide up and follow him.
"So, we have to find out what sat that alarm of. Something bigger than a giant, we have our hands full.'' Annabeth says.
"What if it's not something its some people, like a group?" Piper said. "Yea but who?" We had no idea. "I could talk to Tyson." "Yea but then you would have to go alone and that wouldn't be safe. Even if you are stronger than most, that's also a bad thing". They aren't wrong. I'm a child of the big three. I attract monsters almost as much as the Aphrodite kids are attracted to make up or perfume. "We could IM him, or I could take one other person with me. I can use my powers to put them in a air bubble." Chiron thought of that. "Well you can't take Nico or Jason, they are also children of the big three, and two of you might as well be saying demigod chow free! Right here, come and get us!" We all nodded. "And you can't take Leo, fire and water don't mix." Leo nodded. "You could take Annabeth or Piper" Jason said. I looked at the two girls. Piper, I thought. "I guess Piper" Annabeth looked hurt and Nico let out a sigh of releif. "My dad and your mom hate each other, do you think that would be smart?" "I guess your right." Now all that mattered was if Piper wanted to go. "Pipes, will you go?" she looked around at everyone staring at her. "I guess" we all thanked her. "Ok, so Piper and Percy, meet back here in ten minutes so you can leave and be back tomorrow" we all nodded and left. Before Piper went to say goodbye to Jason I pulled her to the side. "Hey, don't worry. Its a short way to the beach then a hour swim at the most to my dads castle. We'll be ok." She nods. ''I know, see you in ten minutes" we nod and leave. I go to my cabin and Nico follows.
"Nico don't worry I'll be back tomorrow." "I know". He sits on my bed and I decide I won't need extra clothes really. We go there, talk to Tyson, and leave. Easy. I sit next too Nico and pull him into a hug. He smells like cinnamon. I'll miss him but it will only be a day. He pulls away and looks at me. We sit there and look at each other, then he pulls me down and kisses me. I kiss him back. When we pull away its time to go. We leave and go to the big house. Chiron tells us to go ahead and leave, but to be safe. I quickly kiss Nico and Piper quickly kisses Jason. Then we leave.
We stepped out side the barrier and it wasn't to much cooler than normal. "How far is the beach?" She ask. "I think its at least a thirty minute walk, we can just walk it then rest before we go in." She nodded. When we got to the beach there was only one or two people. There was a girl about fifteen facing away from us. She had red hair and all black clothes. Then there was a guy further down the beach, he was leaving so that didn't matter. We sat down about twenty feet from the water. I felt stronger, and more energized. I felt the salt on my face. We were sitting there when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked at Piper but it wasn't her, she was looking the other way. I looked over at the girl and she was staring right at me. Something about her made me uncomfortable, maybe she was staring at me and I liked guys, I don't know. "Hey Piper" "Hmm?" She looked over at me. Then she noticed the girl staring at me. She started laughing. "What?" I ask. She looks at me then laughs again.
By now she's laying on the sand laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask while looking at her. "N- nothing" she says in between laughs. "We should get going" she says after she cools down. I look back over my shoulder at the girl. I think Piper laughing gave her that idea and she wasn't looking anymore. "Ohhh" I say. She rolls her eyes. "Come on before you break a wire or something" and with that we go into the water. I put a bubble around her so she can talk and I can hear her. I commanded my body to stay dry. We started swimming deeper. I know where my dad lives by heart. Literally, when I'm close my toes tingle. So I know we are close. I swam a little further untill I saw the castle. Me and Piper entered the yard and started for the front.

Sorry for the short chapter but don't worry, there will be another chapter up today. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Again, sorry it's shorter the other chapter will be longer! Bye!

Percico- a love never seenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora