Day of Thoughts and Questions

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Percy's POV
Me and Nico walked out of the water wet. I quickly dryed us of with my powers. We walked up and sat next to Sarah. "So, do you remember last night when you and me talked?" She looked at me. "Yea" she smiled. "Well do you remember how you said you wanted to meet him?" She nods. "Well, here he is" I put my arm around Nico's shoulder. She smiles. "You to are cute together!" Nico blushed and I just laughed. "Now what do you want to do now?" I looked at the sky. "We still have an hour till' dinner." Nico nodded. "Well, we could take nap, take a shower, train, do favors for Chiron, hang out and have fun, watch a movie, -" I stopped him by kissing him. When I pulled away he was flustered. "You ramble to much" I laugh and so does Sarah, eventually so does Nico. "Hey! I have an idea, why don't we get the gang together and play truth or dare?" "Sounds fun!" Me and Nico both look at her. Oh yea! She's new so she hasn't played truth or dare yet. "Ok let's go." On the way we pick up Piper, Leo, and Annabeth. We all walk into Jason's cabin. "Jason! Truth or dare?" I motion around to all of us. He smirks. "Ohhhhh yyyyeeaa!" So we all sat in a circle. I sat in between Nico and Sarah. Then Leo, Piper, Annabeth, and Jason. "Sparky, you go first." He sticks his tounge out. "Annabeth, truth or dare" "Dare" "Hmmmmm" he rubs his chin while he's thinking. "Your dare is you can't say anything smart for the rest of the night." Everybody smiled but Annabeth. "Oh gods. Um ok I have to I guess." Normally she would have said "That is a creative dare and I will accept it. Although I hate it superman" at least, that's what I would expect her to say. "Annabeth your turn" "Leo, come here." "Ok?" He walked over and sat next to her. She whispered something in his ear and his smile strechted from ear to ear. He nods and sits down with a big smile on his face. He pulls out a gadget and starts working on it. Five or so minutes later, a sphere is sitting in the middle of all of us. Then he leans over and pushes a button. The sphere explodes a tiny explosion and sends colorful powder over everyone. So now we are all multi colored. Everyone laughs.
"Jason, truth or dare?" "Dare" He thinks for a minute. "I dare you to put a towel on as a cape and fly around camp in the morning yelling "I AM SUPERMAN, NOW AWAKEN!" I burst out laughing. "Fine." Piper laughs at him. "I'm sure you'll make the best "wakening up to" present yet." He quickly pecks her cheek. Then the game continued for awhile until the dinner bell rang. We were all still covered in colorful powder so we got some weird looks. We all sat at there normal table. Leo had just accidentally ran into one of the Ares campers and was being yelled at. His ears caught on fire and he quickly sat down. "Leo, your ears are on fire" Nico says. He pats us ears and the fire dies. We all finish and me, Nico, and Sarah go to the Posiden cabin. "Is he sleeping here tonight?" Sarah ask me. "I guess let me ask, hey neeks are you sleeping here tonight?" He looks a little mad but quickly pushes it aside. "I guess" I nod. I set on my bed with Nico and Sarah sets on hers. We just talk for awhile.
Sarah's POV (thought it would be nice through her POV)
Today I met my brothers boyfriend. Even though I already met him, I didn't know they were dating. Nico is cute, Percy is lucky. After that I played truth or dare with all my new friends. It was, interesting. It seems like they play it a lot. After that was dinner. It was hilarious. Leo's ears caught on fire. "Why did Leo's ears catch on fire today?" Percy looks at me. "Like he said, his dads Hephaestus god of fire and metals, so he immune to fire." "And, when he's nervous or gets scared he'll accidentally catch on fire like today." Nico explains not looking up from his drawing. From what I can tell he's really good. Percy's sitting next to him with his arm around his shoulders. He has his chin resting on Nico's head watching him draw. They are cute together, but total opposites. Percy is tall, tan, well built, child of Posiden god of water and horses. Nico is shorter, pale, skinny/slim, and a child of Hades, god of death. He's a ghost king, literally. When I first met him when I arrived, I was a little scared. A child of Hades was standing in front of me. But Percy didn't seem to care. That was true love.
When Percy felt eyes on him he looked up to see me staring at him. "What?" Which caused Nico to look up to. "Nothing just looking at his drawing." I shrug. And Percy nods, then looks back down.
Let me re-cap all of my new friends. There was Piper. Cherokee skin, brown hair, green eyes, beautiful, and a daughter of Aphrodite. Jason, was tall and well built, and handsome. He could fly and had blonde hair with blue eyes, and a son of Zeus/Jupiter. Leo, srawny and skinny, with brown curly hair. He always was wearing oily clothes and overalls with boots and a tool belt, also a son of Hephaestus. Annabeth had curly blonde hair and stormy gray eyes. She had a good form and was a daughter of Athena goddess of wisdom and war. I decided to ask questions about them with that information. (Minus Leo of course.)
"What type of abilities does Piper have?" "She can charm speak and look good in almost everything." Percy said. "And Jason?" "A leader, strong, he can fly and make storms. He can also make shoot lighting" he paused for a minute "sort of" Nico replied while blowing of some extra pencil lead that had spread on his paper. "What about Annabeth?" "Well, she has her wisdom and knowledge. She can use basically anything to survive. She once tricked a spider into weaving it's own trap." Percy looked at me. "I'm going to take a shower, be back." Then he got up and left. I looked at Nico. "Can you tell me about yourself?" He put his notebook and pencil away. He layed down on the bed stretching out. He hesitated then started talking. "Well, Percy found me in a Lotis Casino. Its a magical casino that makes time go by slower. Me and my sister Bianca were there for over a decade. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover found us and brought us here. They went on a mission and Percy promised to keep her safe. When he returned he told me she died. I ran away and was alone for years. After a while of being alone, I kept going back between Camp half blood and Camp Jupiter. I was at Camp Jupiter one day and Percy was to. He was cut up and dirty. He had no memory. Well, he left and went to Alaska. When he returned Leo, Annabeth, Jason and one other CHB camper arrived at CJ and got him back. CJ got Jason back. Then the Great Prophecy came out. I wasn't one of the seven but after a while I found them and helped them. After Annabeth found the Athena Parthenos, Reyna, Coach Hedge and me brought it back to Camp. We reuintied the Greek and Roman demigods. That put the gods back in order and they killed the giants along with the seven. They got back to camp and after a battle Leo carried Gaea into the air on his metal dragon. Gaea died, but he did to. He didn't actually die." He saw the expression on my face. Then he continued. "Well, he had this potion and was brought back. He found and rescued Cylapso. They are now dating." He stopped and smiled. "Sorry, that's a mixture of my past and a little bit of the last couple months" Then as if on cue Percy walks out drying his hair. He threw the towl on the floor and layed down in his bed next to Nico. "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." He and Nico snuggled up under the covers and I saw Percy kiss him goodnight then I turned out the lights. I turned over facing the wall and fell asleep.

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