Daughter of Posiden

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Percy's POV
Last night I finally asked Nico out. I've liked him for awhile and never knew it. Now, I'm glad I did. I loved the way his hair fell into his eyes. How when he got nervous he played with the skull ring on his finger. I also like when he is nervous and blushing, he would look away quickly to try an hide it. I just love everything about him. He's adorable and I love his laugh and smile.
I got out of bed and went into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair. When I came back out I put on a light blue tee shirt with darker blue jeans. I threw on my sandals and headed for the pavilion. When I got there I saw Piper, Jason, and Leo. I walked over and sat down. "Hey guys"
"Hey" they all replyed together.
Leo was tinkering on some small machine. When he got frustrated his hands sparked. Piper and Jason were talking. I wander where Nico is. I asked for some blue pancakes and quickly ate. I put some in the fire for my dad. I was headed for Nicos cabin.
As I entered his cabin I noticed a difference in the temperature. I looked at the thermostat and noticed it was 40°. Does he keep it this cold? I'll wake him up. I wish I would have brought a jacket with me. I went into Nico's bedroom. I could hear him lightly snoring. I went over to his bed and lightly shook him. His eyes fluttered open. He turned over, when he saw me his eyes opened wider.
"Morning" I smiled at him. He looked at me for a minute then answered
"Morning" his hair was sticking up in different places. Since he just woke up he had his morning voice. Which was absolutely hot. If I may say so myself.
"Do you always keep it this cold in here?"
He looks at me then remembers and shuders a little. "No, last night it was hot in here". I looked at him. I leaned down and gave him a good morning kiss. When I pulled away he was smiling.
"Come on get up lazy bones, you already missed breakfast" he groaned but stood up. He went over to his dresser, pulled out some clothes and went into the bathroom, I heard the door lock. Five minutes later he came back out with black skinny jeans, black tee shirt and black converse on. He ran a brush through his hair and walked towards the door. "Come on" he said as he walked out the door. "Where are we going?" I asked. "The arena, I want to practice my sword skills" and he ran towards the fighting arena. When we entered it was empty. "Want to fight?" I looked at him and a smile snaked onto my mouth. "Sure, but your going down"
He rolled his eyes "Whatever". He unsheathed his styagin sword and I uncapped riptide. It glinted in the early morning light. We took position.
"Ready" I have to admit, he had confidence in this voice. I'm not going to lie, Nico is a worthy opponent, but he's going against me. I'm the best sword fighter in camp.
We stood looking at each other for a moment. Then I moved forward. I slashed my sword at his stomach. He barley missed my cut by jumping back at last minute. He swung towards my sword arm and barley cut me. I'll admit it, that hurt but I'm still standing. I thrust forward and knocked his sword out of his hand, it clattered to the ground. I slung at his chest but he fell to the ground and slid on his knees and retrieved his sword. He then slung at me. He cut me on my cheek. I swung at him and cut his fore arm. I swung again but he managed to block it just in time. By now we were both sweaty. "Are you done being beat yet?" I said with a slight smirk. "No, and that's a lie" He then swung lower than I had expected, he cut my leg and used the butt of his sword to hit my chest plate. I fell to the ground and he put his sword tip to my neck. "I win" he laughs. He puts his sword up and holds out a hand to help me up. I take it but before he can help me up I pulled him down next to me.

He screamed on his way down. When he hit the ground he laughed and playfully slapped my arm. We both stood up and I quickly kissed him. He blushed and looked down. "Do you wanna go to the beach for awhile?" "Sure" he said in between breaths. It was still pretty early.
When we got to the beach, I felt refreshed and stronger. I put my arm in the water and it went up my arm onto my cheek and the wound closed. I noticed Nico was still wounded. I gave him some ambroisa I had in my pocket, and his wounds closed also. I sat on the sand and Nico sat next to me. We were there for awhile when we heard someone come up behind us. We both turned around to see Annabeth walking up to us. I'm glad that we made up and are friends now, because I don't feel like arguing with her. Have you ever been in a fight with the daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom? No. Well you don't want to be.
"Percy, there's a new arrival, we still have a job to do" I looked at Nico. "Come on Neeks, let's go meet the new arrival.
When we got there it was a girl. She had long jet black hair and the same color eyes as me. She had tanned skin with light shorts on and a violet v-neck on. Her hair fell loosely around her shoulders.
"Hi" I smiled "I'm Percy, son of Posiden. And you are?"
She looked at me. She looked surprised. "I'm Sarah, daughter of Posiden.

Sorry for the short chapter but I know I haven't been posting and I feel so bad. So I wanted to give yall something before I go and write a really long chapter. So? What did you think of Sarah? I thought it would be nice for Percy to have a sister in the story. I have a couple supruses ahead so don't get bored and not read anymore. Hope y'all like this chapter bye!

Percico- a love never seenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ