Chapter 2 - The Company of Women

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We all returned back to our common room, some slowly retreating to their dormitories for an early night. I suddenly felt incredibly aware of being back, memories of last year flooding intensely back.

Not ready to yet retreat for bed, I had a small stroll around the common room, finally stopping at a couch that faced the fireplace to sit down. I just wanted my mind to quiet down and I tried to look at the flames dancing on the wooden log. 

"I lost you at the feast," Ominis approached from the other side.

"You fell asleep," I dismissed him, trying not to show that he startled me a little. 

He perhaps had some snake like proprieties. 

"I do like sleeping," he smirked and sat down on the opposite side of the couch.

"I saw and talked to him," I turned my head towards Ominis.

"How is he?"

"You should talk to him," I said studying his face in chance to see his answer faster than what he was about to reply. He seemed taken aback and nervous.

"I want to. But I don't know what to say. I believe he mentioned that I had chosen not to send anything to him this whole summer?" he bit through.

"He did. But as I understand, he had neither?"

"No, that he did not."

"Well say that you were stuck in a communication limbo. That you waited for him to give word. That you wanted to give him space," I tried to think of counter arguments to whatever Sebastian would cook up against him.

"He knows that was not the case," Ominis dismissively laughed. "Sebastian is very perceptive of intentions."

"Not that perceptive," I thought of me wanting to see Sebastian kneel on uncooked peas. An old and favourite punishment of our matrons back at High Priestess Hill orphanage.

"Talking about intentions, I believe perhaps we should meet all three to discuss briefly what had happened last year. Perhaps set some ground rules," Ominis added seriously.

"We cannot act like nothing happened," I admitted to him. "But I find some difficulty in speaking with Sebastian as of right now."

"I understand where you are coming from," Ominis ironically smiled.

"Speaking with Sebastian?" Sebastian repeated after me and appeared behind us. "Sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping. I just heard the last part when I approached both of you," he looked guiltily at Ominis. "I heard 'Sebastian', something something, 'speaking'".

I sunk into couch.

"We should discuss everything and set aside the events that have happened during 5th year," Ominis finally turned to him to speak.

"I believed we had set it aside?" Sebastian reservedly looked at the floor.

"I think one more conversation between friends could be beneficial," I added to Ominis. "Perhaps we could meet in the Undercroft tomorrow after class?"

"I... appreciate the consideration. But I do not need to be put in after school debates to regulate my behaviour," Sebastian stirred still standing.

"I am not sure about that statement," Ominis suddenly stood up and turned towards him. "Sebastian. I am sorry. But I can't find words to say to you, especially when you do not wish to allow me to speak my mind." He started to walk away to his dormitory.

Sebastian looked hurt. I believe him coming up to us was his incentive of fixing his relationship with Ominis as I had with him at dinner.

He sat down at the same place where Ominis had.

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