Simon : Lambo vs Ooyama Rauji

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Rauji took advantage of him. "Alright, fine. How about we play sumo wrestlers? We'll make just one rule. If you fall off this stone platform you lose." He said getting into position. "Sumo wrestlers?" Lambo was excited. "Rules... does he mean... the rules of the fight?" Tsuna couldn't believe this obvious trap. "Let's do it." Lambo's eyes were glowing. "Don't accept that!" Gokudera shot at the cow baby. "It's over..." Sakura muttered.

"Die." Rauji gave Lambo one hard push against his small body, sending it through the edge of the platform and into the ground leaving a small crater in the ground. "LAMBO!" Tsuna yelled the baby's name, his voice full of anger, pain and fear. "He's dead." Rauji said as he straightened out his body. "Even if he somehow managed to survive that... he fell off this platform. It's your loss. Now, spend the rest of your life in Vindice's prison. Farewell, Lambo. If you hadn't been a Vongola and we were the same age... We could have been good friends." Rauji paid his respects.

"Bastard." Gokudera said, holding back tears. Tsuna closed his eyes. Sakura fiddled with her alligator bracelet. "My, my, my..." An older voice filled the cave causing everyone to turn their attention to it. "From where I see things... you and I... are about the same age, aren't we?" A teenage Lambo appeared. "That guy..." Reborn was surprised. "He changed himself from that idiot child with the 10 year old bazooka." Gokudera looked relieved. "10 year later Lambo!" Tsuna cheered. "Oh, so that's what he looks like." The Yakuza Princess noticed. "The 10 year bazooka he pulled out of his hair... was a blast of good fortune." Reborn pointed out.

The teenage Lambo took in his surroundings. "So, that means this is you 10 years from now... Mr. Lambo." Rauji commented. "Please don't call me 'Mr.'It's embarrassing," Lambo corrected him. "Adult Lambo!" Tsuna said, shocked. "That's great timing" Gokudera cheered. Lambo looked over at them.

"Well, well... it's been quite a while, young Vongolas. It seems I've come into quite the bad situation." He said, rubbing his head. "You know? Ah! Could it be that you remember this?" Tsuna asked. "That's Rauji of the Simon Family!" Gokudera tried as well. "Well, actually... when I banged my head on the end of the platform earlier... it knocked out all my memories of the past." Lambo explained with a lump on his head. "Are you okay?" Tsuna asked worried. "You idiot!" Gokudera chewed him out.

"Even so... being here in this tense, important situation with that giant as my opponent... I can figure that much out. I can tell from looking at the strained faces of you young Vongola... and the sullen demeanor of the giant there." Lambo explained the situation from his point of view. "From the fact that I see no one here but you and me... I'll assume that this is a one on one fight, isn't it..." He asked Rauji. "Correct. This is a sumo battle." Rauji confirmed for him. "Wha? We're doing sumo? How are you supposed to decide the winner in that?" Lambo asked in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter how you go about it. There's but one rule : if you fall from this stone platform, you lose. Originally, the rules were supposed to be decided as a way to put both fighters' 'pride' on the line. However, the child version of you from 10 years ago lacked any sense of judgment. He allowed me to decide the rules of this match based on my 'pride' alone." Rauji explained the match to him. "'Pride'?" Lambo asked. "That's right. My pride is... this body which has never lost a single fight... and what Enma has granted me so that I may fight for him... The power of Simon! Seven Elements of the Earth : Flame of the Mountain!" Rauji yelled as hot flames burst around him.

Lambo let out a squeal. "Flame of the mountain?" Tsuna asked. "It looks like a Volcano's eruption." Gokudera pointed out. Sakura looked over and put her hand over her dinosaur bracelet. She could feel Hibi getting excited to try these new flames. "The Flame of the Mountain is just one of the seven elements of the earth... Its 'pride' is its explosive power and intensity. And now, from the compressing energy of this flame... I create the most unmoving powerful jaws!" Rauji's flames formed around his mouth in a creation that looked like a stag beetle.

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