Plugged In

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          "You look so cute!" Ella exclaimed as we walked out of the parlour. "That haircut was needed."

          CRASH! Rain started to pour. Thunder rolled in, so I grabbed Ella and sprinted to that tower she called home. My speed reach seventy miles per hour, just for her. The door opened, and we hastily went inside. I pulled a towel from my bag, and dried Ella off. I used flame magic to dry myself, if you were wondering.

       "What are we supposed to do now? We put all of our games in the Paw Patroller!" she said, disappointed.

       "I got an idea." I said with a smirk. "My favorite thing to do when bored is play a VR game some SCP weapon developers created to test certain weapons. It eventually turned into a DnD simulator only assessable by SCP personal. Weapons don't really matter if you can't feel the kick."

     "You're aloud to do that?"

     "Pfft. No."


     "Kidding, I'm kidding." I pulled two VR headsets(designed by me, specially for canine and feline users), and gave one to Ella. "Are you ready?"

    "Ready!" she exclaimed. We put on the headsets, and pressed play. 

    The world generated around me, logging me in.

    "Welcome, RAVAGER103!" a voice said as captions showed up for people with hearing disorder. I purposely made the name fully capitalized. "Where is your spawn point today."

    "The usual, the capital of the Highfyre(high-fire) Empire, Dartheon(Dar-thee-on)." I said with glee. I have spent so long on it. The game loaded, and a spawned on a red, black, and white throne. I got up and put on my spartan-themed armour. I went to the game chat, and asked where Ella was. She said she was at the River Styx, named after a river in mythology. It surrounded my nation from other nations. I hopped on my steed, a pure black horse called Diablo, and rode to her location. I found her, and we rode back to the palace. We spent a few hours fighting monsters, exploring, and having a great time. But then fate throws us off course. We were walking around the palace when a civilian walked up to us and said:

    "Hey, is that the new empress? "

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