A Bit of Backstory

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Lucifer's POV

            I woke up to find myself in Ella's paws. The others were staring. My chest was wet with tears. I realized that she was having a nightmare. She was whimpering, face in my chest. I put my paw on her back and rubbed it. She started to hyperventilate, so I started to sing a lullaby someone told me as a pup:

            "Now hush little baby, don't you cry. Everything's gonna be alright. Stiffen up that upper lip little lady, I told ya, I'm gonna hold ya through the night. Now mommy's not here right now and I don't know why; we feel how we feel inside. It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby, but I promise, mama's gonna be alright." Ella started to stop crying. Her breathing returned to normal, yet she was still whimpering. Then she kicked me. It hurt, but it was normal for a dog to kick whilst having a nightmare. She started to scream, so I gripped her tighter. She was bawling. I did not know what to do. I laid my head on hers. I kissed her on the forehead, causing her to wake. Her eyes where beat red. Tears were crawling down her face.

            "M-m-m-morning Lu." She stuttered. I wiped her tears on my arm. We got out of the sleeping bag and looked at the pups. My right eye flashes red, signaling to them to look away. They didn't. I turned to them, eye blood red.

            "What happened?" Everest asked. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "To your right eye. It has a massive scar."

            "That. I usually cover it using magic. But I don't have the right grimoire, so I can't cast a healing spell." I replied, recalling what I forgot to grab from my quarters back at Site-19.

            "What happened?" Ella questioned with a look of fear.

            "I had a massive fight against my rival."

            "Who could wound you if you are practically invincible!?"

            "His name is the Arch-Angel. A powerful warrior who is the only one to severely wounded me. He slashed my eye and... Removed my right arm."


            "You're lying to us!" Rocky accused. "Your arm is right there."

            "Really?" I replied as I grabbed my arm, twisted it, and detached it from my shoulder. The pups either had a look of disgust, or shock. "I'm totally lying, right?"

            "Uhh, well I guess your arm was amputated." He said, looking down. "I was trying to make prosthetics for animals."

            "Hey, don't beat yourself up. I've been in the mood for a new arm. Wanna make me one?"

            "I-I-I can start now. I just need a model to base it on." I chucked him mine. He gripped it with his jaw and ran outside.

            "Welp, I guess I'm three legged until he's finished." I finished. I swore I heard something. Like an arrow piercing the air. Just then, Rocky came running back, a claw holding my arm, another in his jaw.

            "Here, could you please try this out?" He asked as if he was poor asking for money. I put on the arm. I attached it and tested it. It had two blades. I extended them, threw an apple in the air, and cut it to pieces. I was about to walk away, when a white spear cut destroyed it. A voice was heard, and an angelic, yet powerful voice was heard from above.

            "You thought you could run from me? Well, I found you. And there is nowhere to run!" 

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