An Ideal Situation

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     "So Eve, who are you calling?" The cute Dalmatian asked me, as I dial a number on the public phone.

     "Everest!" A voice exclaims on the other side.

     "Hey mom!" I shout back, recognizing her voice.

     "How's life treating you?"

     "Nice. I have a boyfriend."

     "Aww, Everest. I'm so proud of you!"

     "So I have a favour to ask."

     "Sure, what is it?" 

     "I have a friend who was... abused in his childhood. And you were looking to adopt."

     She went silent for a moment. "I'll be there in three hours."

     I then hear the door shut. The phone hung up. I look at Marshall, who seemed to be looking across the street. I walked over and saw Lucifer walk out of a gun shop. He was holding a Glock. Roxy was on the phone. 

     "Hey guys!" Lucifer called out, waving to us.

     "Sup!" Marshall yelled back, waving. Lucifer teleported us to the other side. It was a wild feeling.

     "Nice gun!" Marshall exclaimed, looking at the weapon.

     "It's a Glock."

     "You seriously need another one?" I asked with caution.

     "Yep." He replied with a smirk. He held it up in his paw. He held it out to Marshall. He gave it to me. I gave it back to Lucifer. Roxy walked over to Lucifer.

     "So Lucifer..." She started, putting her paw around the Wolfdog. "Would you like to be adopted by someone?"

     "I guess." He replied, looking at the Dalmatian.

     "I have a friend who has been looking for a pup."

     "Okay. What's her name?"

     "Icicle, Everest's mom. She is a Husky."

     Lucifer looked at me, then back at her. He looked at the ground, as if he was deciding on something. He looked at her, and nodded. 

     "Well chaps, let's go get some food."

     It was sunset when my mom arrived. We embraced, feeling each other. She looked like me, except more like a grey wolf. I walked her over to Lucifer's room. I knocked on the door, and Ella answered.

     "Hello Everest!" She said, hugging me. "Who's this?"

     "This is my mom." I replied, looking at at Husky.

     "Oh hi there!" She said, smiling. "I'm looking for the Wolfdog named Lucifer. Where is he?"

     "He is at the pool. He is practicing.... uh.... water fighting."

    "Thank you!" Mom said, heading in a random direction.

     "Wrong way!" Ella laughed, going in the other direction. We follow her and reach the pool. We enter the room and see Lucifer meditating under the water.

     "Sup, lasses!" He said, rising from the water. He exits the pool, dries off, and walks to us.

     "Hello, Lucifer." Mom said, holding out her left paw.

     "Hello, you are Icicle if I'm correct." He replied, shaking her paw. She looked at his red eye. "So..."

     "You are willing to be adopted?"

     "Yeah, I guess."



     "Are you ready?"

     "Yeah, I'm ready."

     "I have a brother now." I said to myself as I walk with the two. We walk to the courthouse, and Mom filed some legal stuff. Lucifer had tears streaming down his face.

     "Thank you..." Lucifer spat out, sniffling. We hugged him, holding him close. He then cut himself on his left arm. He handed us the knife.

     "This is dangerous." Mom said, a scared look on her face.

     "Don't worry, I don't have anything deadly in my blood." He replied, looking at us. We cut ourselves, and became related by blood.

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