No Surrender

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            Ella's POV

            "HELP!" I screamed into the darkness. My leg hurts. My eye also hurts. I am chained to a wall. I felt myself moving. I must be in a van. I could not move. I started to cry. Then, someone approached. He had a whip and a knife. 

             "Where is the anomaly?" He asked, a black mask covering his face. I said nothing. He whipped me. I wailed in pain. He slashed me with the knife. I howled in agony. My blood dripped onto the floor, and he plunged it into my chest. "You are useless to me."

            I woke up in an empty void. I saw a figure in the darkness. He was in all black, his back was turned to me. He looked skinny. I "walked" over to him and touched his robe. He turned his head and stared directly at me. It was only two white eyes. Then it spoke to me.

            "ArE yOu ReAdy? WaKe UP!"

            I opened my eyes and saw a knife in my hand. My fur was black. My paw had blood on it. I looked around and saw that I was outside of the van. The driver had been stabbed, as well as the man who tortured me. I knew who did this. Me. My fur changed back to blonde, and I heard footsteps. I hid in the wreckage and saw a man. He was in white armor and had a white helmet. It was military armor, and he had a submachine gun. I get down low, ready to pounce, when he threw a dog treat. He put away his gun and knelt down. I came out of my spot and ate the treat, making sure to always watch him. It tasted really good. He gave me another, and a got closer. Then two soldiers came and told him that they were mobilizing. He motioned me to follow, so I did. Then I saw a MASSIVE camp. Twenty helicopters, fifty trucks, and seven tanks. There was a machine that looked like a mech from Ninjago. The man picked me up and carried me to a tent. He dropped me on a black chair and spoke to me.

            "Hello. I am Agent Hallow of the SCP Foundation. It appears to me that you know the location of the Seventh Fallen. Where is he?" His voice was smooth yet commanding.

            "Wait," I started whilst taking a breath, "You know Lucifer?"

            "I know him. We received a call from him. He said he was invaded. So, we armed around 100,000 men. But we don't know where his exact location is." He stated in a professional manor. "That's where you come in. By the looks of it, you're part of the PAW Patrol." I nodded, trying to act calm, even though my world is ending. He opened a briefcase, a gun inside. "Oh. This is for Able, not you." He chuckled. "Catch." The man threw the gun above me, then I saw a man in a white robe, black hair, and red tattoos. He left, and Agent Hallow got up from his seat. I got up as well. We got into a helicopter and took off. I gave directions to Adventure Bay. Eventually, once we arrived, I saw the legion Agent Hallow had described. We flew to the Lookout, being shot at on the way. The man named Able grabbed me and jumped out of the helicopter, as well as Agent Hallow. They both deployed parachutes, and a spotted two wolf dogs, Lucifer, and another one.

            "TIME TO TAKE BACK WHAT WAS OURS!" Lucifer exclaimed, "Kurayami, let's go! Able, throw me and Kurayami. Achy, signal the attack. Ella, evacuate everyone from the Lookout." He let out a deafening war cry. Able threw him and the other dog. I went to the Lookout and met up with the pups.

 Lucifer's POV

            "CHARGE!" I yelled as I struck the opponents with Grimwraith. I slashed, shot, repeat. The SCP Foundation charged in. Kurayami used dark magic to destroy. Bullets were flying, people were crying, men were dying. Able soon arrived, causing mass losses on their side. They tried to retreat to ships, but I blew them up before they got there. They had 45,000 dead. We had 1,000. "FOR THE FOUNDATION! Attention, attention! It is safe to come out now. They're gone." Kurayami looked at me, his white eyes soullessly gazing at me.

            "Yatta ze rushifā. Iya hantā to iubeki ka." He said, speaking in Japanese.

            "Damare kono yarō!" I said with anger. He just laughed, and went back to his home, the void. The people came out. They celebrated, gathering at the town hall. The SCP Foundation had moseyed on out of here. The mayor came out and made sure everyone was okay. I used telekinesis to repair the bridge. The pups celebrated, but they did not thank me. Hallow and Able were gone. It was getting late. The PAW Patroller returned, so the pups had their puphouses. I had nowhere to sleep. I found a cliff. Ella is there as well. We looked at the sunset and kissed each other. We kissed for around one minute before we separated. 

            "We have to stop kissing each other." She spoke. Why? "Ryder doesn't want us in relationships." She started to cry.

            "Hey, we can love each other in secret."

            "Wait. You LOVE me!?"

The Darker Side of Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें