Faded Ink: Chapter 10

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Dream slashed open a rift in the fabric of space and time with one of his blades, revealing a mesmerizing yellow expanse beyond. It radiated an aura of boundless positivity and the purest dreams imaginable. Without hesitation, Dream leaped into the rift, and Lucky followed suit.

"Every time I step into this place, it's hard to believe its beauty," Lucky remarked, marveling at the vibrant dreamscape.

Chuckling softly, Dream agreed, "Indeed. Despite the challenges we face, the Dream Plane remains a sanctuary of hope and positivity."
Dream loved to be here. This place helped him relax when his day took a wrong turn.

Their moment of awe, however, was brief, as Dream's expression turned serious. "But we're not here for leisure," he declared, setting off with purpose. After a brisk run through the dream-filled realm, they arrived at its boundary, where another realm awaited – the Nightmare Plane.

Without hesitation, Dream plunged into the dark and gloomy Nightmare Plane, followed closely by the cautious Lucky. The transition was palpable; the air grew heavy with the essence of nightmares, and shadows lurked ominously.

In the eerie silence of the Nightmare Plane, Dream's gaze cut through the darkness as he sought out the tormented souls affected by Nightmare. The spectral figures, remnants of lives consumed by darkness, were visible only to him.

A heavy sigh escaped Dream as he confronted the harsh reality. "All of them... lost to Nightmare's cruel manipulation," he muttered, a profound sadness etched on his face. The weight of the countless souls he couldn't save weighed on him, a constant reminder of the malevolence he fought against.

The anguish in Dream's eyes deepened as he reflected on the persistent agony caused by Nightmare. A solemn determination replaced his sorrow, fueled by an unwavering hatred for the entity that reveled in the suffering of others.

"Every negative emotion I feel is a testament to Nightmare's malevolence," Dream declared, his blades gleaming with renewed intensity.

In a swift and determined move, Dream spotted a faint glimmer of life within a tortured soul and wasted no time. Grasping Lucky's hand, he leaped into the soul's essence, blades at the ready.

The ethereal surroundings shifted, enveloping them in a surreal realm. With a dagger clenched in his teeth and another in his hand, Dream's eyes burned with a newfound resolve. "This time... I won't let you escape!" he silently vowed, his determination echoing in the spiritual plane.

In the blink of an eye, Dream found himself in a twisted world tainted by Nightmare's influence. Something, however, felt peculiar. Releasing Lucky's hand, he swiftly identified Nightmare attempting to rise from a dazed state due to a concussion.

A surge of rage overcame Dream, a shadow casting over his face. Without hesitation, he executed a lightning-fast dropkick, catching Nightmare off guard. Seizing one of Nightmare's arms, Dream ruthlessly slammed him to the ground repeatedly, rendering him temporarily immobile.

The usual escape tactic of Nightmare, transforming into a liquid state, was thwarted by the unique properties of Dream's boots and gauntlets. Ensuring Nightmare remained pinned, Dream's eyes glinted with a mix of fury and determination as he prepared to confront the embodiment of darkness head-on.

"Where. Are. They," Dream demanded, his voice laced with determination and anger. The overwhelming positivity he emanated made Nightmare flinch, but he resisted as much as he could, squirming under the pressure of Dream's boots.

"I don't know, shithead. They freaking beat me," Nightmare sneered, his defiance met with increased pressure from Dream's boots.

"Good. Next round is incoming," Dream declared, a steely resolve in his eyes. "I would have checked on the victim and dropped them off in the Omega Timeline, but right now? I'm feeling kinda... mad."

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