Faded Ink: Chapter 6

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The force of Ink's punch was so potent that Error felt the tangible pain coursing through him. The impact cracked his ribs, leaving him teetering on the edge of skeletal destruction.

As Error was sent flying through the Doodle Sphere by the powerful punch, the sheer strength behind the blow proved enough to breach the barrier of the once-protected realm.

In the aftermath of the breach, Error found himself abruptly interrupted by the forceful descent of Ink's brush.

"Hello, Error, you good?" Ink's face contorted into a crazed smile, sending a shiver down Error's spine.

True fear gripped Error as he grappled with the inexplicable sight before him. He vividly remembered melting Ink's face off in the earlier clash. How was Ink still alive? The question haunted him, and a sense of unease settled in.

"Is this what you mean by 'Ink's in a strange situation?'" Nightmare inquired, voicing the confusion shared by those witnessing Ink's enigmatic resilience.

"Yep," Core responded, the answer leaving a lingering sense of mystery in the air.

Error's attempts to retaliate were thwarted as Ink, seemingly impervious to his usual tactics, ran circles around him with blinding speed, leaving a trail of afterimages that disoriented Error.

"Freaking squid being an annoyance even after dying-" Error's frustration-filled muttering was cut short by a powerful punch that sent him soaring miles away.

Utilizing his strings, Error latched onto the white ceiling, desperately searching for Ink's elusive presence.

"Where the heck are you?!" Error demanded, only to be surprised by a response from behind.


Error turned to see white flaming hands emerging from Ink's skull, reaching out and grabbing him. The hands began a descent toward Ink, who, with a deft stroke of his brush, turned the encounter into a chaotic game, treating Error like a ping pong ball, bouncing him around with whimsical unpredictability. The surreal nature of the battle continued, leaving Error disoriented and struggling to regain control.

"Are you treating me like a ping pong ball?!" Error protested.

"Maybe, but honestly, I don't care, you computer reject!" Ink retorted with a crazed smile, unfazed by Error's complaints.

Error, undeterred, scrutinized his LV and pushed the decreasing ability to its maximum. His temperature began to rise exponentially, but the white flaming hands remained unyielding, and so did Ink.

"You think being an oven scares me? Psh, nah," Ink scoffed, brushing off the increasing heat.

As the hands brought Error towards him, Ink prepared for a decisive move. With determination in his eyes, Ink readied the brush, poised to confront the impending clash with unwavering resolve.

Ink's brush swung towards Error, intending to deliver a decisive blow, but as it connected-






Ink, bewildered, found himself facing an unexpected turn of events. The brush seemed to have triggered a system failure in Error. However, instead of capitalizing on the advantage, Error appeared unfazed, and with a nonchalant attitude, he swiftly countered by tying Ink with strings.

Before Ink could react, he was propelled into a glitchy portal, leading to the Anti-Void-a white expanse with hanging strings and a surreal atmosphere filled with the essence of lost souls.

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