Faded Ink: Chapter 5

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As Error faced the formidable defenses of the Doodle Sphere, his usual glitchy portals proved ineffective against the intensified barriers. Frustration mounting, he attempted to walk towards the sphere, only to find his progress thwarted with each step.

"Shit, is this some type of infinite barrier or something...?" he muttered, grappling with the seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Undeterred, he tried to utilize his powers to melt through the barrier. A radiant heat emitted from his finger, but it proved futile against the heightened defenses.

Realizing he lacked the necessary power, Error examined his LV - a measure of his destructive prowess acquired from annihilating Alternate Universes. Determined, he decided to tap into this power source. Watching as his LV decreased, an abnormally astronomical number, he used it to boost his abilities.

However, as he pushed his LV to its limits, Error began to experience the consequences. The more he used, the more he found himself "Overheated," grappling with the repercussions of his own relentless pursuit of power.

As Error endured the searing consequences of boosting his power, he laid down. Each surge of power intensified the heat, rendering even a simple act like eating a chocolate bar impossible without it melting.

Grumbling, he endured the discomfort, focusing on the gradual decrease of his LV. The intricacies of his power remained a mystery to him, but one thing was clear-more LV translated to exponentially increasing heat, pushing his body to the limits.

Error's patience was tested as he waited, the radiant energy around him growing more intense with each passing moment. The sacrifice of comfort was a small price to pay for the potential to breach the formidable defenses of the Doodle Sphere.

Error, having taken a brief respite, woke up and halted the decreasing LV without a second glance. Stretching his bones, he gathered his strength and reeled back his fist. With a powerful punch, he effortlessly melted through the Doodle Sphere's barrier, shattering a portion of it.

Peering inside, he beheld countless papers representing Alternate Universes floating weightlessly, suspended in a state of 0 gravity. A maniacal laughter escaped him as he jumped down, using his strings to slash and burn through the AUs with reckless abandon.

"THIS IS THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE!" he exclaimed, reveling in the chaos he unleashed upon the multiverse.


Core and Dream navigated Nightmare's ominous domain, a brooding place cloaked in black and dark themes. This realm played to Nightmare's strengths, making Dream's presence a precarious situation. Dream, susceptible to negativity, wore a golden crown atop his head, his outfit is a black stocking-like pants and a withered light yellow coat with cyan tips. The golden belt with the "DS" initials and accompanying bells were there, as did his boots and cape.

Dream, uneasy in this hostile environment, erected a positive barrier for protection.

"Why are we here, Frisk?" he questioned, seeking clarity.

"I'll tell you when we get Nightmare!" Core replied, determination evident as they ran alongside Dream, their physical manifestations synchronized.

"Are you sure about this?" Dream inquired, concern etching his features.

"Yeah!" Core affirmed, resolute in their pursuit of Nightmare.

Core and Dream deftly evaded the tentacle assaults, Nightmare's dark and low voice taunting them in the shadows. The entity emerged, a figure composed of dark tar and goop, attempting to land a punch on Dream. Swiftly dodging, Dream retaliated with light arrows, only to witness them shatter upon reaching Nightmare's form.

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