Faded Ink: Chapter 8

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In the ensuing moments, Frisk found themselves plunged into a nightmarish experience. Confused and in pain, they questioned their sudden presence in an alternate universe.

"Why... Am I here?" Frisk's inquiry was met with a tentacle slap from Nightmare, who then gripped their shoulders, revealing a bleeding face cut.

"Hgk!!!" Frisk winced, grappling with the pain while trying to resist the intrusive tentacles.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I expected more from you. Even your esteemed king appointed you as a royal scientist, yet here you are, lacking the logical prowess I assumed you possessed."

Nightmare released Frisk, who cradled their face in agony, as he coldly commanded, "Transform this AU into the epitome of negativity."

"What...?" Frisk questioned in disbelief.

"I said..." Nightmare leaned in, seizing Frisk's hair. "Transform this place into a hellish landscape. Refuse, and you'll relive your past mistakes for years."

Frisk found themselves tossed into an alley's trash can.

"Claim your first victim." Nightmare's tentacle seized Frisk's arm, wielding the red kitchen knife to slice an arc, obliterating the city like a knife through butter.

"I granted you a headstart; now, unleash despair. No killing, only despair," Nightmare commanded coldly.

Reluctantly, Frisk found themselves compelled to carry out Nightmare's malevolent commands. Each hesitation was met with both physical and mental coercion, Nightmare's sinister influence ensuring compliance.

As Frisk reluctantly inflicted suffering upon the once vibrant city, Nightmare reveled in the unfolding chaos. The air was thick with despair, and Frisk, burdened by the weight of their actions, struggled to resist.

Every pause, every moment of doubt, was met with Nightmare's ruthless intervention. Tentacles tightened, and cruel whispers echoed in Frisk's mind, a relentless reminder of the consequences if they dared to resist the dark path laid out before them.

Trapped in a nightmarish loop of torment, Frisk's actions became a macabre dance orchestrated by Nightmare's malevolence, with every step leading further into a realm of despair.

As the cries echoed through the desolate landscape, Nightmare coldly assessed the toll.

"Hmmm. Penalty, you killed 3 millions out of 10. Three hours of mental torment," he declared.

Frisk was subjected to the exacting torment for the prescribed three hours, a harrowing precursor to what awaited them.

This marked the inception of a seven-year ordeal, with Nightmare's malevolence weaving a tapestry of suffering for Frisk, a haunting journey through a relentless abyss of torment.


Year 1 unfolded with Frisk's futile attempt to resist Nightmare's oppression. Fueled by lingering anger and hatred, Frisk, driven to the brink, launched a slashing attack at Nightmare while he seemed occupied planning another assault on a different AU.

Nightmare effortlessly caught the knife's arc with a tentacle, leaving Frisk stunned. In all their years as a royal scientist, they had never encountered someone capable of physically seizing a light pulse.

"Wow, feisty we are, aren't we?" Nightmare coldly remarked, redirecting the captured light attack back at Frisk. Caught off guard, Frisk was struck and flung to another continent, clinging desperately to survival in the aftermath of the brutal retaliation.

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