Chapter Fourteen: Little Bird's Scroll.

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The wind blew through the trees, rustling the leaves as it passed. Looking, searching, watching. It blew around, sending kites higher into the sky, billowing flags, and blowing the long hair of a certain person.

Now this person, whole I can't not tell you who they are, remember them. I promise you, they're important. Looking, searching, watching. The person was after information regarding their... Objectives, shall we say.

Now these objectives, I cannot tell you what they are, but remember their existence. Remember them digging for answers. Looking, searching, watching. Always on the hunt for anything useful.

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-Zelda's pov-

I was currently looking for information regarding the guardians currently being dug up all over the kingdom. "It truly is fascinating, there is just so much to learn!" I say to Urbosa. We were in the library since we- well, I was wanting to read up about sheikah tech. "What should I read first: 'Divine beast controls and abilities', or 'Different guardian models and what they do'?"

I look up to find her smiling warmly at me. "Why don't you read the latter, and I'll have a look at what Naboris can do? I'm still getting the hand of it- them. I'm almost to the point of understanding them, but still need the Sheikah slate to control them."

I nod, handing her the book. I wonder why she referred to Naboris as 'them', are the divine beasts infact sentient, and capable of feeling emotions? I decided to ask her, and I'm glad I did.

"When the other champions and I started to control them, we though the same. But over the past two weeks, we felt them, felt their presence, of sorts. Like we don't control them, we instruct them.

I know Mipha has made incredible progress with her divine beast. She calls it bonding with Ruta. I believe she has made more progress them the rest of us. Although, that seems to result in her being further behind in divine beast combat. Knowing her, however, I have the feeling that won't last long." Urbosa reports.

I had previously tasked her with collecting the other champions reports when I have been unable due to constantly trying to unlock my inner power.

As if she can read my thoughts, Urbosa speaks up. "Little Bird... You shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself. Remember, your inner power will unlock when the time is right. As it did for your most your ancestors, and your mother, and me for that matter.

What I'm trying to say is: give it some time. Not everything can be achieved perfectly, the first time you try. I promise it will turn out alright. We have all the time in the world." She reassures.

I try to smile for her. "Thank you, Urbosa." I sigh a little before standing back up from our table. "I'm going to retrieve more books, I'll be right back."

I walk over to where the ancient records, scrolls, books, and journals are. As I'm sure you can imagine, it's a big section of our library. I was about grab a book on sky watchers vs lynels when I accidentally nocked a scroll off the shelf. It landed silently and rolled open on the floor. I was about to pick it up and put it away when I noticed the picture on it.

The picture had a three hylians, one with long blonde hair and a crown like headband, who held the Triforce out towards the middle person.

The second one had a short blonde hair and a green hat, and held the Sword-that-seals-the-darkness into the middle.

The last one, in the middle, was enshrined in golden white light. However it was their eyes that drew my attention, which were filled with every colour I could name, and more, so bright the page seamed to glow.

The crowned one on the left, was me. And the one on the right was Link. But who was the one in the middle? After taking a closer look, I realized that they had a dark yellow tunic with the Hylian cresst on it.

I have never seen a tunic like that.

"U-urbosa?" I gingerly carried the ancient scroll over to our table. I spread it out and it apparently was much larger than realized. "Does this mean anything to you? It appears to contain Link and I, on the left and right respectfully."

She hummed as she glanced over this. "Little Bird, give me your hand for a moment." I look at her puzzled, but proceed anyways. I reach out my dominant hand, which, believe it or not, is my left, and she gently takes it. She guides my hand down to lightly touch the Triforce in the corner of the scroll.

I could hardly believe my eyes when the scroll came to life! The figures started breathing, and in front of my own eyes, Link and I handed the middle one what was in our hands. Link handed them the Sword-that-seals-the-darkness and I handed them the Triforce.

They took both and started to glow brighter. Then four figures walked up. The four seemed to represent the champions, who then kneels down to the glowing person.

Then came two old looking figures, who did some kind of martial arts move and the glowing figure copy's after them twice then bows to each, and the two teachers(?) Bowed back before kneeling down before the glowing person.

Six figures appear. Blue, black, white, red, green, and magenta respectively. Each of which held a little orb. One filled with little sparks of lightning, one with little rocks, one with snowflakes, one with fire, one with green... Energy? And lastly one with water.

The orbs flew closer to the glowing person and started circling them. The six people knelt down.

The glowing person grew bigger as the other faded. The image grew still for a second, and I wondered if it was done. It wasn't.

Two people faded into view. I am pretty sure I gasped a little when I noticed one of them was Hylia herself. The other... I have never seen him before. Hylia and the other one held hands with the glowing figure and the figure grew much clearer.



And- wait...

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-Lloyd's pov-

I was training with others. We have no idea how to reach y/n, so we decided until we think of something, we need to train hard. Especially Kai. He has been trying to find new ways to fight since his doppelganger seems to know his every move.

"Lloyd! Lloyd!" I heard my name being called, so I turn around to be almost face to face with the princess. She shoved a map into my face.

"I- I can't see it... Can you move it back?"

She did, and I was able to make out what it was. Turns out, it wasn't a map, I was a scroll.

•~'°÷§--§÷°'~•Zelda explaining what she saw•~'°÷§--§÷°'~•

"So... What does this have to do with us?" Kai asked.

"Take a closer look at the person in the middle." Zelda pointed. We all had another look. Glowing rainbow eyes... Weird, I feel like I have seen them before, but where? H/l that was a beautiful shade of h/c. Wait.

"It appears to be our sister." Zane mentioned, causing Jay to whine. "I was just about to say that..."

"It y/n...?"

"Indeed it seems so. And that's the first spinjitzu master,from what Sensei has said, but who is this?" Zane pointed to the women on the left.

"That's our goddess, Hylia, who our kingdom is name after." Zelda explained. "Does this mean...?"

"Y/n is a... Goddess?"

"No. Y/n has been created by Hylia and the first spinjitzu master, but why?"

"To protect Hyrule and Ninjago."

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Word count: 1313.

A Journey Through Realmsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें