Chapter Thirteen: "Kai"

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-'Kai's' pov-

I felt a Burst of energy as I carried Y/n. 'That must mean the illusions wore off.' I think, hoping I got my message across. I feel so bad for doing this is my family. 'They are not my family anymore.' I tried to reason, but I know, deep down, they loved me. I would love to think they still do, but how could they after everything I've done.

Y/n doesn't deserve to be kidnapped though. All she has been is innocent. A sliver of doubt settled in my heart. Hopefully, once she sees why I need her, she will agree willingly.

Besides, it in her best interests to help me. Otherwise I'll be forced to go to... Darker methods to retrieve my right of rule.

I do hope she cooperates, for her own good.

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-y/n's pov-

I don't remember much, only the occasional blurry slit through half closed eyes. I don't know how long I have been on and off unconscious, but if the pounding in my head is anything to be judged by, clearly a few hours.

All I remember is Kai standing over me, hand outstretched. "Hello, sister". I remember him saying that, then helping me up, then apologizing, and that's the last thing I remember before blackness surrounded me.

I can feel myself laying on an uncomfortable bed, a throw blanket ontop of me. I still haven't opened me eyes since waking up; afraid it'll worsen my headache.

Eventually, I hum and roll over. Blinking open my eyes I let out a noise resembling a giraffe when I realize I wasn't dreaming. Just to add to my mood, I hear a small chuckle from the other side of the room.

I sit up looking around before fully realizing my situation. "Did you kidnap me?!?" I yell. The jerk just smiled. "Stop smiling! I'm in a god damned cell! You worthless so-" 'kai' cut me off before I could finish insulting him. What ashame.

"Please, I do regret you having to stay here, but my top officer-" he sent a glare towards the guard who I just noticed in the corner. The glare was only half visible from where I'm sitting, but it sent shivers down my spine. "-isnt capable of following basic instructions..." Kai seemed to read my mind and in a voice like knives, answered the unspoken question. "I asked him to prepare a room for our guest. Him seemed to take that as a request for a cold, damp cell."

He told the guard to leave shortly afterwards, 'so he could talk freely to me'. I think he only brought him in to hear the passive aggressive conversation.

"So, Y/n-" "Don't call me that" It sounded so wrong coming from him. "Okay, what should I call you?"

"... I don't know. Just don't act like we're on first name terms." I shrugged as I spoke.

"Ok, Raineshadow it is then."

"What's Raineshadow?"

"Nevermind. How about L/n?" I nodded in confirmation. "Okay, l/n, long story short, I need your help. You see, right now, we are currently in my Ninjago, and you..." He trailed off sighing. Taking a deep breath he continued talking.

"There is no easy way of saying this, you never existed. To be exact, y/n l/n never existed. The master of colour, however, did. December Raineshadow was their name. And I say 'was' because- shortly after we met them, they joined Morro, and not only started a raging war, but also love triangle. Oh, Lloyd fell in love with them too, if it makes you feel better."

I stare dumbfounded, mouth hanging open, glaring at him. "How is that supposed to make me feel better?!?! And who the hell is Morro?!? And- and is that why you called me Raineshadow?! An... And- and... Ugh! What kind of a name is December anyway?!?!?!"

'Kai's' turn to be shocked. "W-well, I Hmm... I really didn't expect you to react jealously. I guess you understand how Lloyd feels now..."

I lean my head back against the wall, processing all these thoughts in my head.

"Why don't I exist though? I don't understand..." I trailed off.

"You'll find out when the time is right." 'kai' says. "Trust me, it's worth the wait."

We sit in silence for a few minutes. 'Kai' stands up saying something about an important something. Before he has the chance to leave, I reach out and grab his sleeve. He looks down at me, with a (was that sad?) expression on his face.

"What can I call you? Besides Kai, I mean. I already have one Kai, and I'd like to keep it like that."

He looks back up and into space. After a few minutes, he mutters something, just barely audible. "Red."

"Ok. Bye Red."

He walks out of the room. Leaving me confused. I really should hate him, but he hasn't been all that rude. Infact, he has been quite... Okay. I mean, he has been nice, but he did kidnap me, so... Yeah.

I have so many questions in my head. Some of the things he said are just starting to sink in. Only to leave even more questions. This is starting to get interesting.

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-? pov-

"He can't keep people in fear if he doesn't have his staff... Right?" I spoke. My uncle seamed thoughtful. "We do not know what he is capable of. We may have destroyed the staff, but remember, we can not let our guard down. He is sure to find a way."

"I assume the elemental masters have been returned their elemental powers?"


"And the ninja?"

"Yes. Everyone has their power back by now."

"Hmm. They have been living in fear, along with everyone else now. I have a feeling they will retaliate. You know the elemental masters."

"Does anyone know I'm still alive?"

"No. And we're going to keep it that way."

"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Everyone spoke in hushed tones. The darkness surrounding us only diminished my the candles scattered over the table.

"I have a plan of action." Everyone grew even more quiet as I explained.

"Shh, listen..." The figure dressed in pale colours hushed us all. The wind blew their hair around. "You're back, my friend." They said to the indoor breeze. "What did you see, ______ ?" They ask gentley.

Their gentlness makes me jealous. 'he truely is lucky' .

After inaudible whispers were exchanged, the figure tore their attention away from the air, and back to us.

"You remember the sixteen realms? Well, let just say, we might be going on vacation."

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Authors note: Is the last part to obvious? I hope not. Please comment, I love reading, and answering comments, even if it's just a 'hello!'

Please vote, helps me out a ton!

And if you have and advise or ideas, let me know! Thanks!
-Owl, hoot hoot!

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