Chapter Four: The boat

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-Y/n pov-
"Are you okay?" A calm voice asked me. I looked up to see a womyn in an yellow cloak. "I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone could see me from the street." I replied. "I'm fine, thanks." She wasn't buying it.

"Here, let me help you up." She said holding out her hand. But when I took her hand I got this strange feeling, similar to pins ad needles. 

"Is there something i can do to help?" She asked me kindly. "Not unless you can bring people back from the dead..." I respond. " wait- can you?" 

''No, I can't, unfortunately." She laughed.  "Do you often encounter people with...  elemental powers?"

"Firstly, it wouldn't be the strangest this thats happend. Secondly, the majority of my family has elemental powers." I inform her. "what about you?"

She looked thoughtful before she answered: "Interesting. I'll answer you question, but first; what's you're element."

I looked at her, confused. "I don't- have one... just the ninja." This for some reason sparked her interest.

"You don't? but then how... nevermind. Ok... here, you want answers? take this." Winking, she handed me a... fortune cookie?!? I knew when I looked away she would vanish. "I know you're going to vanish when I-" Just the a crash sounded from farther down the ally, followed by the ninja's muffled crys. "Ah, whatever, just go. I need to help me friends." looking back she was already gone.

When I got to the ninja, I saw they were gathered around an alter.

"... He's... Alive?" Lloyd read aloud. I didn't need to see what he was reading to know who he was talking about.

"What do you mean 'he's alive'!" Jay yelled.

"Hey! I'm just reading what it says!" Lloyd snapped.

I Walk up and see more fortune cookies. While the ninja start trying to figure out what's going on,  I open up my fortune cookie. After eating the outside, (what? their so good!) I read the paper.

Its an invitation. 

•~'°÷§--§÷°'~• •~'°÷§--§÷°'~• Time Skip •~'°÷§--§÷°'~• •~'°÷§--§÷°'~•

Lloyd an The ninja were packing for the trip. Y/n was already at the pier, searching for the lady from earlier. Not finding her, Y/n walked over and sat on the edge of the pier. Not two minutes had passed before Y/n could sense someone.

"Heya, Skylor Yellowstone." Y/n said. "That's right. I did my research."

"Impressive, Y/n. Y/n L/n." Skylor smiled. "That's right. I did my research, too."

Y/n just laughed. Little did she know that Sensei Garmadon had caught on to the ninja. Speaking of, Y/n noticed a group in brightly coloured outfits. They were none other then the ninja.

Wait! The ninja?! What are they doing here? Y/n thought. I told Lloyd not to come.

"You know them?" Skylor asked as we boarded the boat. To which i responded with: "Of course I know them! ... I'm their sister."

•~'°÷§--§÷°'~• •~'°÷§--§÷°'~• •~'°÷§--§÷°'~• •~'°÷§--§÷°'~• •~'°÷§--§÷°'~•

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