Chapter Nine: Zelda.

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-Zelda's pov-

She held her left hand out. 'Why?' I thought. 'She is strange.' But strange isn't the right word. 'I'm rather interested to get to know her...'

I noticed that I wasn't forcing my smile anymore. She certainly cheered me up, and she knew it.

She interduced me to the rest of her team, one by one.

"The one in blue is Jay, the one in red is Kai, the one in black is Cole, the one in white is Zane, and this is the fabled green ninja Lloyd!" Said Y/n happily.

After some more short interactions, I lead them inside to the where they would be staying.

•~'°÷§--§÷°'~• Few days later •~'°÷§--§÷°'~•

"We should be able to figure out this dilemma best if we're in the library." I explained. "We have book about pretty much anything you need to know. And if we don't, it's probably being recorded at this very moment! I think it's a good place to start our search-" the guards on either side of the doors pulled them open for us and we emerged out onto the overview. Regal staircases lead down to the main floor.

"Y-y/n! Do you see this?!?" Lloyd cried out as we all entered the grand library. "Look at all-"

"The rows and rows of books!" Y/n finished for him. "I have never seen so many in my life!!!" The duo ran past the rest of us and down the stairs.

At the bottom, y/n froze. Lloyd kept moving through the library, running his hands along the shelves.

Lloyd turned around grinning to look back at y/n. His grin faded, replaced with concern for his friend. 'Are they really friends, or... I thought. He seams to be alot closer with her then the others.'

"Y/n, breathe... In, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four..." He kept coaching her.

Y/n tried to copy him but was clearly struggling.

"Princess," Lloyd addressed me. "is there somewhere I can take y/n for a minute?"

I thought for a moment.

"Link can you-" I got cut of when Lloyd said it needed to just be him and y/n. I gave him the directions to a small study room down the hall from the grand library.

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-Lloyd's pov-

I never really know how to deal with y/n's episodes. She just shuts down. I never could figure out why she does that. And believe me, I tried. Hard. She gets overstimulated easily. And when she does, she can't handle it. A really big thing for her is light/darkness and really loud sounds.

That's why, for her most recent birthday, I made her a new gi hood with sound muffling... Stuff.

That was shortly after I used the tomorrow's tea. 'Shortly after I started feeling this way...'

"Lloyd?" Y/n asked quietly. I looked over at her. 'She's closer then I realized.'

"Are you okay?" We both said in unison. She giggled and I smiled.


She hummed in response.


It took her a second to realize what I had done. Her eyes lit up and I took that as my signal to run. As I ran, I started the count down - count up? Mhhmh!

"One..." We ran across the room.

"Two..." She lunged at me, I dodged.

"Three..." She came at me again.

"Four..." We ran out the door.

"Five..." Down the hallway. The library doors were just up ahead.


"Seven..." We ran through the doors, down the stairs and over to the others, who were gathered around a table.

"Eight..." We stood on opposite sides of the square table.

"Nine..." Almost there... She jumped up onto the table. 'Really, y/n? This isn't the bounty.'

She lunged at me just as I spoke. "Ten! Skins- ahh!" I fell to the ground. And guess who landed on top of me, inches from my face... Y/n l/n, of course.

I could feel her warm breath on my face as she radiated anger. She looked really frustrated. 'uh, oh.' I thought.

Our faces were bright red. The ninja, however, thought this was funny. "Kiss her, Lloyd!" Kai cried out. My face, if possible, turn even brighter red. But nothing could compare to y/n's face, which was probably a deeper red the Kai's gi!

'Does this mean...?' I wondered. 'She isn't getting up... Maybe I have a chance...'

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Hiya, it's you're Anti-hero, owl-obsessed enby here!

Should- should I make them... You know... Kiss? Idk if I should or not. Please tell me what you think!

*Neewollah yppah!*
(Happy Halloween)

Hoot hoot

A Journey Through RealmsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora