Becoming: pt 2

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The next morning after discovering what the amulet can do, an excited Bella(me) rides the bike to the dentist's office.

Gladys : Don't go in there, she's with a patient.

Ignoring the receptionist, I enter Dr. Muelas's room, where I find Frances once again on the chair.

Bella: Frances!

Frances: huh?

Bella: Frances! Frances, Frances, Frances, Frances! I have got to talk to you.

Frances [muffled]: Uh, I'm a little busy right now.

Bella: what?

Dr. Muelas: she says "she's a little busy right now."

Frances: Oh, God. It hurts.

Bella: Okay, remember that thing we found the other day? In the canals. The thing with the gem and stuff? It works. It works like crazy!

Frances [muffled]: This can't wait, girl?

Bella: What?

Dr. Muelas: She said "This can't wait, girl?"

Bella: I've already waited until morning. Who goes to the dentist two days in a row?

Frances [muffled]: I want to get these braces off before I'm 30.

Dr. Muelas: "I want to get these braces off before I'm 30."

Bella: What?

Frances [muffled]: It's like my mouth is a city engineering project.

Dr. Muelas: "It's like my mouth is a city engineering project."

Bella: How much longer is this going to take?

I try to explain what happened last night, but the dentist is too busy working on her braces.

Bella: Eight hours! I can't believe it takes eight hours.

Frances: Two molars, plus insertions, and some cleanup.

Bella: Okay, Frances. You are never going to believe this.

Frances: My mouth still feels a little sore.

Bella: Check this out.

Frances: Do you have any aspirin?

Bella: Frances, pay attention. "For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to..."

The microwave dings and Frances's pizza gets done. She takes it out and looks at me.

Frances: Go on.

Bella: It worked last night.

Frances: are you punking me right now?

Bella: Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

After about eight hours of waiting, Jim finally shows Toby that the amulet they found in the canals allows Jim to summon magical armor and a glowing sword.

Frances: Holy champignon!

Bella: How cool is this?

Frances [breathlessly]: What?

Frances: Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! So cool, so cool, so cool! Girl, you know what this means, right? You have a sacred responsibility here.

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