Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?

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Warning: some of it have weird content here lol


Frances: woah, this is...

Bella: yeah..

Frances: woah.

Bella: pretty much.

After successfully evading the savage Bular, me and Frances get their first look at Heartstone Trollmarket, home and sanctuary for all good trolls, being the first humans to step foot in this secret world. In Heartstone Trollmarket, me and Frances look around. Blinky looks up at us.

Bella [chuckles]: this is your home?

Blinky: Trollmarket is home and hearth and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way, my friends. There is much to see.

Frances: dang! And here I thought the only thing underneath our town was dirt and plumbing.

Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! show us around. Me and Frances followed Blinky through the bustling market.

Blinky: stay close. Human feet have never graced the ground of Trollmarket before.

A troll see me and Frances

Troll: Human?

AAARRRGGHH!!!: Friends.

AAARRRGGHH!!! walks behind us.

Bella: this is crazy! Are you getting this, Frances?

Frances: oh, yeah. On it.

Frances takes pictures of the crystal covered underground market. she points her camera at a neon sign with a cat-like face X's for eyes, then takes a picture of a giant stone statue of a troll.

Frances [gasps]: check it out! Peridot, topaz, cassiterite, Kornerupine!

As she thinks that she finds kornerupine and touches it, she then looked up to see a troll who growls at her. She didn't realized that she touched a troll.

Frances: hi.

Frances turns away from a large troll then runs to catch up with me, Blinky and AAARRRGGGHH!!!.

Blinky: Your knowledge of minerals is almost troll-like, Frances.

Bella: so, your kind, you all live here?

This worries and shocks the other trolls as they are unaccustomed to seeing humans sullying their market.

Blinky: trolls travel from afar to our market to find comfort and remedies. You'll find most anything you need and sometimes you'll find what you never knew you needed.

In a dark corner, a light shines on the eyes of a scowling troll and growls. A gnome looks up at me.

Bella: oh, hey, little guy! That's a cute pointy hat.

The little gnome hisses at me.

Bella: and pointy teeth!

Blinky: look out! Get away! Get out of here! Vile vermin! Be gone!

The gnome growls and sticks out it's tongue at me and Blinky and then runs off.

Bella: what is that?

Blinky: Gnomes are vermin. Pickpockets, scum of the earth! We only tolerate them for their grooming services.

Bella: grooming?

Trollhunters: but me and my friends AUWhere stories live. Discover now