Chapter 15 'Mr. Timothy'

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"Liz. What was that?" I visibly sigh.

"You clearly saw, Eve. He started it first." She huffs again, annoyed.

I don't know what to say, but Liz was definitely at fault. I feel bad for leaving Jacob behind. He really seemed disturbed by their conversation. At least he kept his calm or else this would have turned ugly.

Liz kept on blabbering about Jacob, how he was mean to her, but then she caught my attention, "... you like him so much. I thought I could play cupid for you guys but it's just off the table now. He's just straight out mean and says exactly what goes in his mind without a filter, I mean who does that? At least have the courtesy to sugar coat it. I've never seen anyone like that... "

I stopped Liz's speaking marathon and faced her.

"Wait, wait... wait. What are you talking about? I don't like him. I mean I do like him but not in the way you think. Where did you even get that idea?"

"Duh. Eve, haven't you noticed or what?" she said as if it's obvious. "You look at him at every chance you get... you literally stare at him when his not looking."

"I do not." I say, exasperating.

She eyes me, mockingly, totally not believing me.

"Ok. I do but it's not because I like him, I just admire his admire, it just looks so... soft" I concede with embarrassment burning me up.

But I can say, she still doesn't believe me.

"Yeah, yeah. Stare at his hair, then touch it... then stare at his body and dream of touching it. Let's head to class, or we'll be late." Rolling her eyes, Liz walks past me.

She left me dumbfounded, perplexed by her statement which seems it might be true on some level which I don't think I'll ever admit.

I'll be lying if I say I don't have any interest in him. I do. But not enough to act on it though.

It's straight out stupid. He's just nice and accommodating to everyone else, not that I've seen him but that should be the case. I should not think any differently about his politeness and sure not act on it.

This surely did clear things out for me.

Out of nowhere, a shiver runs down my spine. I could have suspended it as the weather's starting to get chilly but I cannot mistake the eye I feel on myself. As if someone's watching me.

I abruptly turn around, to find no one that's even gazing my way. Everyone seemed busy, occupied, minding their own business.

"Eve, you coming?" Liz called out.


Probably, it my mind playing out again. From hearing voices to having realistic horrified encounters. A sense of being watched is a meagre thing to worry about. Right?

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