Chapter 7 'Being Followed'

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"A shoulder stretched, skin tight t-shirt maybe

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"A shoulder stretched, skin tight t-shirt maybe." Elizabeth whispers... that too so close to my ear.

For all that it's worth, embarrassment creeps up at me. Did I really say that out loud?

"I really underestimated you, Everlee. You got quite a lot going on that head of yours." She gave me a shoulder bump and I couldn't help but smile at her, even though the embarrassment is gnawing at me.

By the time I focused on what our professor was saying, he had already introduced himself and I didn't catch that.

Great, I don't even know the name of my professor.

But then, a beautiful, beautiful soul raised her hand and asked the professor something where she mentioned his name.

His name is Professor Vitale. Ok that's his surname but that will do when I will be needed to address him.

"I didn't expect even this much students in my class this year as your program is hard which will require a lot of your attention..." He gazed right at me. Great, my new professor thinks that I'm not attentive in class.

Well, not everyone but it matters to me in what light my teachers see me. Maybe that makes me a nerd... well, I am a nerd and I'm quite cool about it but it didn't refrain my classmates from school from teasing me. 

Blush creeps up my face when he leaves our eye contact because of embarrassing myself for the second time in the morning and it's not even ten o'clock yet.

... And is pretty expensive. But it gives me the time to give each one of you my undivided attention." Prof. Vitale continues.

After an hour of lecture and explaining what project, we'll start working on our next class... on the very first day, he dismisses the class.

I gather my stuff and then part with Liz as she has separate subject for her second class and I head for my own class and then the last one, where again, I found Liz and of course we sat together.

Liz has such an attractive vibe, plus her social skills and energy are maddening.

Even if I had her social skills, I wouldn't have the energy to socialize with so many people. She literally waved at so many of our peers, while I was walking quietly by her side as I accompanied her to her fourth class for the day.

I only had three for today. So, after telling her that I'll see her tomorrow. I walked back home.

I'm not going to lie but today felt accomplished, not academically but socially. Even though, I played a part which equal to null.

It's when I'm punching the code to my place, I remember I need to prepare lunch for myself... I'll just order in something.

I hadn't even placed a foot inside the house and I heard the clattering coming from inside. I stood dead at my feet... should I least check where's the sound coming from or should I call the cops.

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