The masked man nodded solemnly.

Masked Figure: "Exactly. We strike when you least expect it, armed with pens and sticky notes."

Jungkook (playing along): "Impressive. Can you teach me the ways of the office ninja?"

Masked Figure: "It's a tough training process. First, you must learn the ancient art of coffee brewing and the stealthy maneuver known as 'The Silent Keyboard Tap.'"

Jungkook (mimicking a ninja pose): "I'm ready, sensei. Teach me your ways."

The masked man chuckled under his mask.

MaskManure: "But beware, young padawan, for the copier is a treacherous beast. Approach with caution."

Jungkook (pretending to wield an imaginary sword): "Noted. The copier won't see me coming."

Jimin, glancing at the lively conversation, couldn't help but join in.

Jimin: "Jungkook, who's you're talking with?"

Jungkook (pointing at the masked man): "Meet Sensei Silent-Typist, the master of office ninjutsu."

Jimin (suppressing a laugh): "Ah, the legendary figure. I've heard tales of his prowess."

Sensei Silent-Typist bowed theatrically: "The pleasure is mine, young office warriors."

As the lecture continued, Jungkook, Jimin, and Sensei Silent-Typist shared laughs and exchanged exaggerated stories of their imaginary office ninja adventures.

Masked Figure: "If I'm not wrong, you're feeling bored, huh?"

Jungkook (nonchalantly): "Yeah, these corporate events are not really my thing."

Masked Figure: "Are you a new employee here? You seem unimpressed."

Jungkook (smirking): "Nope, not new, and definitely not interested in working for such a boring company."

Curious about the mysterious man, Jungkook decided to turn the tables.

Jungkook: "What about you? Do you work here? What's your position?"

Masked Figure (with a hint of mischief): "Oh, I'm just an ordinary employee, blending into the sea of corporate boredom."

Jungkook, taken aback by the unexpected response, couldn't help but chuckle.

Jungkook: "An ordinary employee wearing a mask and doesn't have a ID card? Now, that's a new one."

As Jungkook engaged in conversation with the mysterious masked figure, Jimin, noticing the distraction, leaned in and interrupted.

Jimin (whispering sternly): "Jungkook, shut up and focus on the speech. This is important."

Jungkook, caught off guard, turned his attention back to Jimin.

Jungkook: "I'm keeping my ears open."

Jimin (whispering sharply): "We're here for a reason, Jungkook. This information is crucial for my work. Save the chatter for later."

Feeling a bit scolded, Jungkook nodded reluctantly and redirected his focus to the ongoing presentations. The mysterious masked figure, sensing the change in atmosphere, leaned back, observing the unfolding dynamics with a hidden smirk.

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