Jimin, always quick with a quip, replied with a smile, "A press conference on my first day? Hope they're ready for my award-winning handshake!"

Suga chuckled, appreciating Jimin's sense of humor.

Suga: "We're sure you'll charm them all. See you there, Jimin."

As Jimin left the room, he couldn't help but feel of excitement and nervous anticipation about the press conference.


In the heart of a bustling market, Jungkook, armed with a woven basket, navigated through stalls of vibrant produce and aromatic spices

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In the heart of a bustling market, Jungkook, armed with a woven basket, navigated through stalls of vibrant produce and aromatic spices. The market buzzed with energy as vendors called out their prices and shoppers haggled for the best deals.

Jungkook, known for his playful nature, approached a vegetable vendor with a mischievous grin.

Jungkook: "How much for these carrots? They look like they've been training for a marathon."

The vendor chuckled, playing along.

Vendor: "Ah, these are the elite carrots, my son. For you, a special price - 5 for 1000 won."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise.

Jungkook: "Are these carrots brought up from Kim Jong Un's garden? I was thinking more like 4 for 500 won."

The vendor laughed, enjoying the banter.

Vendor: "You drive a hard bargain! Okay, okay, 4 for 500 won, but you have to promise to give them a good home."

Jungkook pretended to ponder for a moment.

Jungkook: "Deal! These carrots are in for a treat."

As Jungkook continued his grocery expedition, he approached a spice vendor, eyeing a colorful array of spices.

Jungkook: "How much for this chili powder? My taste buds are feeling adventurous today."

The spice vendor grinned.

Vendor: "Ah, the adventurous type! For you, my friend, a special price - 200 won."

Jungkook feigned shock.

Jungkook: "200 won? Is this the spice that even dragons fear? How about 150 won?"

The vendor chuckled.

Vendor: "You're a tough negotiator! Alright, 150 won it is, but you better have a fire extinguisher nearby."

Jungkook laughed, enjoying the lighthearted exchange. As he moved through the market, his animated bargaining drew smiles from vendors and shoppers alike.

In the end, Jungkook gathered his groceries, pleased with his comedic conquests and the friendly atmosphere of the bustling market.

Jungkook continued his shopping, engaging in friendly banter and bargaining at another vegetable stalls, he decided to pick up some potatoes. Little did he know, an unexpected conversation about Kim Taehyung, the boss of Kim Enterprise, was about to catch his attention.

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