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The wedding drew closer as days turned into months, and before they knew it, the two lords were split a couple of days away from each other. Donna was with Miranda for her nerves and more accessible access, while Marie stayed with the Dimitrescus, ensuring the decorations and everything was in order.

Marie took slow breaths as she leaned over the sink, her mind racing as she struggled to keep breakfast down. The tux was perfect, the shoes were lovely, and there were actual black leather combats; she was supposed to be in the shower right now; however, her nerves got the best of her as she leaned over the sink and spat after coughing up bits and pieces of breakfast.

"Lord Marie?" A soft knocking came, and Willows's voice was behind the door, "Come in." She called softly as she straightened up and wiped her mouth; the maiden opened the door and almost jumped, seeing Marie had her shirt unbuttoned and her toned stomach showed along with the pair of boxers she currently had on.

"Sorry for the indecency... I was going to hop in the shower, but.." Marie trailed off, and Willow nodded. "I understand the nerves are everywhere right now. How about we try a bath?" The maid suggested as she sat at the tub's edge and started the water. Marie nodded when the plug was pulled and sat on the floor.

Willow looked at her and leaned down. "Can I give you something that might help if you don't tell Mistress?" Marie nodded, hoping that whatever it was would calm her down. Willow looked at her, and from behind her apron, where a secret pocket was held, she pulled a small flask of silver and gold out. "It has a bit of whiskey in it, only a little, please," Willow said softly as she handed it to Marie.

Willow leaned over the tub and stopped the water, putting jasmine, rose oils, and bath salts in the tub. "Thank you, Willow." Marie smiled at the maiden, who nodded, "Your tux and everything is ready." She said softly, "Oh, and the girls are also out there. They want to see you." Marie nodded as Willow left the bathroom, slipping her flask back into her pocket.

Marie sighed, finally getting a grip of her nerves. She stripped and got in the tub, relaxing at the warm bath and the scents enveloping her nose and wrapping her body in a protective hold. She took slow breaths as she calmed herself and thought about everything that was happening and what had happened in the past year.

She laughed at the misfortune and smiled at the happiness she felt around Donna, knowing that she would forever be there for her, no matter what happened to her or how everything would react.

Donna was in her bedroom pacing the floor, her regular dress swiping the floor as she walked. "What if I trip?" She asks out loud, "You won't trip. The dress is measured to stop just at your ankles." Mother Miranda soothes, "What if my hair is out of place?" Donna finds another thing to be worried about, and once again, Mother Miranda settles that worry, "Alcina and I will make sure nothing is out of place."

"What about Angie?" The doll looks up at her and kicks her feet. "I won't cause trouble, Donna. This is for you, and I won't ruin it." She says kindly as she gets ready for her performance, slipping on the dress that tailors made; the doll next to her has a tux on and holds two boxes with the rings inside, which neither Donna nor Marie had seen yet.

"What if Marie doesn't like the way I'm dressed?" "You'll take her breath away; Marie loves you. She will never tell you don't look okay unless something is wrong. She will never tell you how to look." Miranda said softly.

Donna hiccuped before placing her hand over her mouth and swallowed. "I'm gonna be sick." She whined as she went to the connected bathroom. They were in the castle, and Miranda sighed when she heard Donna throwing up breakfast. Angie looked at her worriedly, and the priestess smiled, "Don't worry. It's just wedding day jitters." She said softly, rereading the book in her hands.

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