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Marie smiled and looked down at the sleeping Donna in her chest, smiling. Angie was currently lying on Donna's thigh, messing with her dress, "Angie." The doll looks up and tilts her head, "Why did you tell us to kiss?" Angie giggled and sat up, "It's obvious you have a crush on her. However, Donna's never been in love." Marie sighed, "I don't think you know what love is." She said softly.

Angie was quiet for a few minutes before getting up and crossing her legs, "I do... I just don't know how to say it. I love Donna very much, I will protect her with my life if she'd let me, that is. Donna created everyone in this house but I, everyone around you, and her right now are like children to her. She's treated us like a mother for so long that they now think of her as a protector."

Marie furrowed her brows, "What about you?" She asked as Donna shifted, Angie shrugged, "I was created by her father to have a friend for her. Donna was shy even before I came around." Marie hummed and looked down, running her fingers gently through the dollmaker's hair. "Are you allowed to tell me what happened to her parents?" Marie said softly and Angie shrugged "Nope. That's all Donna. She doesn't like it when I spurt out information like that."

Marie smiled and chuckled, extending a hand out to the doll. "I bet you do that a lot huh?" She asked as Angie curled into the woman's arms, "Yeah... Sometimes. Ya know at first I didn't like you, but now you're not sooo bad." Marie smiled "Alright you little gremlin, lay down and get some sleep, or at least stay quiet so I can." Angie nods and gets comfortable in the woman's arms, the dolls around them stay quiet as they watch over the doll maker and her snuggle buddy as they sleep.

As the sun rose to the highest point, the clock struck in the hall, stating that it was high noon. Donna shifted and slowly opened her eye to two blankets around her, a body underneath her and Angie curled up next to her. Donna yawns and carefully stretches, making her wake known to the other dolls. She looked up to find Marie still asleep, Angie was underneath her left arm as she lay against her leg, closest to Donna.

For a moment she panicked, not being able to get up due to Marie's arm around her waist. However relaxed, hearing the strong heartbeat underneath her and the slow breathing. She looked down and sighed that she was still dressed, she curled into herself and gently pulled the blankets up. Staying there as the breathing soothed her overactive mind, she was close to Marie but she had never thought about cuddling her until now.

She noticed the slow breathing and tried to match her own with it, taking slow breaths in and letting out long breaths. Donna swallowed and noticed the rough texture on her wrists, pulling them up she messed with the wrap before Marie startled her "Don't mess with it, Donna... The healing will slow down and I will have to redo the stitches while you're awake." A rough voice said softly, a sleepy hand gently pulled her away from the wrap and Donna almost jumped at the contact.

Marie smiled softly as the dollmaker looked up at her, swallowing when she tilted her head. Suddenly Marie understood what Angie was saying, after so many years of isolation and loneliness Donna had someone to stay with her, to hold her back and give her hugs, a human touch. Donna tilted her head and laid her head down on Marie's chest, she noticed the rapid heartbeat and was worried for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Donna asked softly, "Yeah Why?" Donna shook her head and sighed, Angie started to wake up slowly as well. Letting out loud, annoying sounds as she stretched and yawned, "Jeez Angie... Do you have to be so loud?" Marie smiled and Angie growled, "You're one to talk." She nipped and Donna hushed the doll quietly and picked her up. "Be nice." Donna said softly "I am.." Angie huffed and crossed her arms.

Marie hummed as they got up, her hands felt gross and so she got up and went into the bathroom to clean up, taking a quick bath and getting ready for the day. She was dressed in a black shirt and ripped jeans, going out she found Donna sitting in the living room as the dolls came by with a cup of tea for their creator.

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