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A few weeks later

Marie woke up in the arms of the dollmaker and kissed her head. Wrapping her hand around the small frame she hummed, the feeling from last night's activities would go away soon and she would work normally, however, as the day went on Marie felt a lonely feeling.

It was around noon when Marie whimpered at the loss of touch and felt particularly lonely in her room, sitting in her room while Donna was having lunch was a big sign something was wrong. Donna and Angie were worried, so they went up to Marie's room, trying to find something wrong with their maid, dolls trailing them as they were also worried.

"Marie... Are you okay?" Donna knocked on her door and gently opened it to find the woman curled up in bed, her arms wrapped around her chest as she whimpered and whined at the sensitive feeling. "What's the matter?" Donna came over and sat down, "I'm sad and lonely." Marie looked down and Angie sat on Donna's lap, "Was I too rough, are you okay?" Donna asked "No... I know what this is." She said softly, Marie curled up in her mistress's lap and Donna ran a slow hand through her hair.

"What is it then?" Angie asked, "It's a period Angie, I get super sensitive and seem to have different emotions as the week goes by.." Marie said and the doll looked at Donna, "Angie why don't you grab that hot blanket and some dark chocolate for her." Angie nodded while Donna stripped herself of her dress. "Donna... I know you're trying to make me feel better but the sexual desire is just not here right now." Marie said, watching her mistress strip from her dress and curl into bed, finding her incredibly warm and comfortable.

"I'm not here to have sex with you, I'm here to make you feel better and make sure you're comfortable," Donna said, pulling the woman into her body and laying her warm hands over Marie's sides. "Slow breaths." She said, Marie whined as Donna squeezed her way into the small bed.

Angie came back a few moments later and had a blanket with chocolate. "Mother Miranda just called and said she is going to stop by for a bit." Donna sighed and curled into her "For now can we stay like this?" Marie asked and Donna nodded and grabbed the blanket and chocolate. The warmth her body provided calmed her nerves with gentle kisses and coos, and feeding her chocolate.

Donna smiled and unwrapped the dark chocolate bar and stuck half of it in her mouth, Marie blushed and swallowed taking the other half in her mouth and bit down, they giggled and Donna blushed pulling away from the chocolate bar. From the comfort the women felt with each other they ended up laying in bed for most of the day underneath the heated blanket, giving each other soft kisses and hugs.

Holding onto each other and snuggling, they both jumped when Angie came in. "She's here!" She called and flew out of the room, Miranda stepped in and both women sat up, "It's not what you think." Marie said, Donna pulled the blanket up to her chest and Miranda smirked "Trust me dear, I would have known before walking in." Marie blinked, "From scent and sound I would have waited until you were done." She said.

Donna blushed and looked down shyly, "It's okay, I have a purpose to why I'm here." Miranda smiled and looked at Marie, "It's official dear... Your blood is mutated. I think now would be a good time to talk about it." Miranda turned around "Donna would you mind slipping your dress on?" Donna got out of bed and got dressed, sending Angie to her, she sat at the edge of Marie's bed and looked at her, "Ready." Angie said and Miranda faced both women.

Seeing both dressed and up she sat down on the rocking chair, shutting the door and humming. "What do you mean mutated?" Donna asked, "I may not have told you everything me and Miranda talked about in the church... But I have a good reason as to why... We weren't 100 percent sure what was happening." Marie said, Donna curled into her and sighed as Marie winced at another sharp feeling. "But... What mutation do you have?" Donna asked, Miranda got up and handed her some notes.

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