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A few days go by and Miranda hums, setting the stews, chilly, and soup they made the day before into containers then into a woven picnic basket she smiles. Marie had done well, spices were done correctly, nothing got burned and no one was unintentionally injured, this morning Miranda and her worked on a breakfast. Fruit salad, with an extremely cheesy omelet, honey glazed ham, and last she made a ginger root tea.

Marie was an excellent cook, she used to watch her mom when she was little, but never tried it before. Miranda seemed to have opened up a new door for Marie while they baked, her cookies, pastries, and muffins were almost perfect a couple were still doughy but good.

As they gathered the leftovers in containers Miranda watched Marie, "So I won't be able to meet the Dimitrescu herself?" "Correct, she will be out on a business meeting until sometime this weekend for her winery, however, you may get to meet her daughters, they will help us bring this to the kitchen and such. I must warn you... They can be a bit excessive when it comes to someone new, Bela will be just like her mother... Although respectful however if she snaps she will easily take a bite without hesitation, Cassandra is her middle daughter and the most feared throughout the castle, she tends to be aggressive when she doesn't like something."

Miranda closed the basket and looked at Marie, "Her third daughter is not only the youngest, the most spoiled, but also she gets a bit more dramatic if you do something she doesn't like, in the right circumstances Dani is a sweetheart who will curl into your lap and purr like a kitten, but if one things wrong she will cut your throat open and kill you quickly in a final swoop." Marie hums and nods, "They seem... Feral." Miranda chuckles and nods, "They are quite... Different you can say."

They hurry out the door and a carriage pulls up, Marie helps Miranda into the carriage and sits down where it begins moving after the door is shut and locked. "So... Is there anything else I need to know?" "They won't meet us at the door until it's shut and it's warm again, the cold tends to paralyze them." Marie furrowed her brows and nodded, "Okay." For the rest of the ride, Miranda is quiet, enjoying the scenery of the trees turning colors and leaves falling to the ground, they arrive in the middle of town and Miranda smiles, "Alright let's go."

Marie helps her out of the carriage and it pulls away, "So... Why didn't we walk?" Marie asked and Miranda smiled, "It's a bit chilly today and muddy from the rain last night." Marie hums and they approach the castle, as the gate opens Marie follows the intricate designs of the battle and follows Miranda in, "Oh one more thing... Their staff is mostly," Miranda opens the door as maids are busying about, doing multiple chores at once and working hard, "Women."

Miranda finishes, stepping into the castle, and removing her heels that were a bit muddy, where a maid took them and set them to clean, while another maid bent down and undid the boots from Marie's feet and she stepped out of them. They stepped onto beautiful floors, Marie looked around everything looked so clean, and pampered, floors were shined, vases were carefully dusted and cleaned, and even the couches and tables were squeaky clean.

One of the eldest maids came in and smiled "Ah... Mother Miranda has arrived." She announced, the doors shutting behind them. The maid came down the stairs and traveled to right in front of them where she bowed her head and smiled, "Good to see you, Reverend Mother." Miranda smiled at her "As to you Ingrid, Anna Marie this is Ingrid, Alcina Dimistriscus's highest working maid here, not to mention one of the eldest, you've been since you were... 16 correct?"

Ingrid bowed and smiled "Of course, now I'm turning 35 tomorrow and still kicking." Marie looked at the woman, she didn't look 35, she looked much older, with long brown hair, red if the light caught it correctly, bright green eyes that showed being tired from working long nights, hands thin and coursed from years of work, and her maids' outfit was different than the others, a black button-up shirt one with a white tie, and dark red vest that fit more like a corset, showing the woman's assets more than her waist and black leather shoes that clicked on the ground as they walked towards the kitchen.

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