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As the morning sun rises and the dollmaker and Maid recover from their nightly activities, Miranda stays down in her lab, testing different things and working with numerous subjects. Her phone rings and she sighs and leans back up from leaning over her desk so much, flying up to the phone she answers it. "Mother Miranda?"

It was Daniela, she spoke softly and nervously. "What is it Daniela I'm much too busy right now." Daniela sighed and looked down, "No I know... I wanted to talk to you about someone, It's important but I can't leave because Mother is paranoid about the season and weather we have been having." Miranda was quiet, "Alright, is it something your mother and sisters know about?" she heard Daniela's name in the background, "No. I have to go." The phone hung up and Miranda sighed. 

Setting the phone back on its hook the woman returned to her experiments, finally finding something interesting, "Oh... oh my. It's a match." she hummed, furrowing her brows as she looked at the samples of blood. "I can't tell Donna this, she would be so worried." Putting everything aside she decided that talking to Marie alone would be the best bet. She could do it at the meeting later today. 

Miranda arrives at Castle Dimitriscu, the maids open the door and greet her in, Alcina sits in the foyer with Daniela and Cassandra, "Mother Miranda? I wasn't expecting to see you until noon, it's barely 10." Alcina stood and greeted the woman, "Ah... No need Alcina, one of your girls wanted to talk to me about something important." Alcina furrowed her brow and tilted her head, "Bela is currently working downstairs, did she want you for an experiment? Or maybe some testing, or questions?" Miranda shook her head as Daniela stood up, "Actually it was me." she said quietly, nervous that Alcina would be mad about asking for Miranda directly without permission from her mother. 

Alcina tilted her head and smiled, "Well then, Daniela, would you like to host Mother Miranda since you called her here?" Daniela nodded and took Miranda up the stairs to the room where the girls gossip and talk the most. A few teacups sat in the center and a maid quickly picked them up to get them cleaned. "What's the matter?" Miranda asked and furrowed her brows as she sat on the couch, another maid came over and poured some tea for the two ladies.

"I'm apprehensive about Aunt Donna..." Daniela said quietly, Miranda blinked and sipped her tea, crossing her legs, "What's the matter, Dani?" Miranda asked and Daniela bit her lip nervously, She had never been the one to come out front about something usually that was Bela or Cassandra, but they didn't catch on very quickly and it was Daniela who discovered it first.

"When Marie first came to the castle I thought it was because she couldn't feel pain and I'd never smelled anyone's blood that was like her but now I'm thinking about it... I don't think it was either, well last night it changed. Cassandra had drug in a Lycan from her hunt and I noticed there was a similar scent. Miranda... I'm scared Marie is a Lycan and will hurt Donna."

Miranda sighed and leaned back, she was surprised that Daniela was the one who caught it faster than her sisters. "I... I just want Aunt Donna to be safe... I want to know Marie won't hurt her." Miranda sighed and looked at her, "Dani I'm sure she will be alright." Daniela nodded, "I will talk to Marie later, I have found something I want to talk to her about anyway. Is there anything else on your mind?" Daniela shook her head.

Miranda and she spent a few more minutes talking about different things until the clock struck 10:30 and Miranda got up, she had an hour and a half till the meeting. "Alright, thank you for getting this off your chest Dani. I will surely talk to Marie before the days are over." Daniela smiled as they parted ways and Miranda walked back to the foyer, "Alcina. I will see you at the meeting." She said, grabbing her freshly cleaned heels and walking out of the castle.

She stopped by the duke and sighed, "Duke... I need to ask you something." Duke nodded and smiled, "Yes Mother Miranda, what is it?" "Do you still have some of that wolf's blood you were selling? If I could know where you got it from would be appreciated." Duke smiled, leaning into his carriage he pulled the small vile, "I had gotten it from a man who was hunting wolves, this particular vile is filled with Timber wolf blood." He handed it to Miranda who nodded, she studied the vile and hummed.

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