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The next day Miranda woke up to soft whimpers and whines from the room where Marie was staying, getting a robe on she quickly made her way to the room and knocked on the door, not hearing an answer she sighed.

Going into the room she tensed, the girl was on the floor, the bed was messy and Marie was crying in her sleep. Miranda went over and gently coaxed her awake, running gentle hands over her teary cheeks and whispering soft words. "Come on... There you are... Such pretty eyes." Miranda smiled gently when she opened her eyes and Marie sighed and hummed into the gentle touches.

Marie took a moment to take her head off of Miranda's thigh, enjoying the warmth on her skin. "Did I wake you?" Marie asked, voice rough and gravely due to sleep "Only a little, I usually wake up early anyway." Marie hummed "But you went to bed late last night." She sat up and looked at Miranda, "I heard you... The clock struck 3 in the morning and you were wandering the house, whispering." Miranda swallowed and looked down, "Unfortunately I don't get much sleep due to an open mind that lets negative thoughts in."

Marie hummed and took a deep breath, gathering the strength to get up she gripped the sheets and climbed her way to her feet, stretching and popping her tired joints. Miranda got onto her feet and quickly rewrapped the robe around herself, "Alright... We have a day in the village so it's time to start getting ready. I will make us breakfast." Marie nodded and watched as Miranda disappeared.

Miranda made her way to her room and grabbed a shower before slipping into her robes and going downstairs, She found Marie already at the table, two tea cups in front of her with a pot of tea, she had it by the bottom after taking it off the stove and for a moment Miranda almost panicked, until she set it down and smiled. "I made tea for us," Marie said, Miranda walked over to her and gently looked at the girls' palms, which were red and were going to blister.

"I know you can't feel the pain, however, your body still reacts to it like usual, here... This is for burns and such. Rub some on your palms and the next time you go to make tea hold it by the handle, with a towel or rag underneath it... Please, dear." Marie nodded and took the medicine Miranda handed her, Miranda started breakfast like usual and added a second egg. Making scrambled eggs, she laid them on the two plates and started making bacon and French toast.

Bringing the plates over she hummed as she brought a tray of different sorts of syrups, fruits, and others. Marie narrowed her eyes at the foggy silver tray, she looked at it with concern. With silver trays, you were usually able to see yourself in them but this one was too fogged over to even be shiny. "Something wrong?" Miranda asked and Marie shook her head, taking a black fork and started on her French toast, laying strawberries and strawberry syrup over them as she ate.

After breakfast, Miranda smiled and they washed the dishes together, "What's first today?" Marie asked putting the last plate away "I believe we should get you some clothes that fit. We will go to Julie's for that, we can get you a few different outfits, shoes, and a jacket for when it gets cold. Next would be shopping for not only ingredients but also cleaning supplies that will make things easier... We can check with the duke to see if he has anything."

"Duke?" Marie looked at the older woman who was currently making a list of things they needed, "Yeah. If you ever need anything just go look for Duke. He has just about everything and each week he gets new stock, traveling the world and finding new things to sell. He usually sits in the square." Marie hummed and sat next to Miranda, "I should also get your measurements for Donna, she can make lovely clothes and it's really good quality, nice and hefty."

Miranda finishes her list and gets up, checking the house one last time before grabbing a basket with a soft blanket at the bottom, "Alright. Let's go." Marie follows the woman out and shuts the door behind her, next is the gate. "The key for the gate, if you ever need in or out for unknown reasons is always hidden here and there." Miranda set the key in a hole in a tree next to the gate and pointed to a gravestone that had a small compartment for it, Marie knelt to see if it belonged to anyone but it was too scratchy and old to see.

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