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*Ha! The 25th chapter is also the Christmas chapter... No planning just numbered, Happy holidays and a wonderful New Year., I didn't quite remember all the gifts properly so the descriptions are a bit low. Enjoy!*

Alcina smiled and looked up at the massive tree that stood about 2 feet taller than the matriarch herself. "This is beautiful." Cassandra looked up at the tree and Daniela nodded, the daughters and mother had made sure all the maids had their fun decorating as well.

The youngest Dimitrescu got to put the star on top of the tree, standing on her mother's shoulders as she did it when Alcina's trusted maid, Ingrid, plugged it in and all the maids cheered and clapped when the tall tree lit up.

"That it is girls, alright Mother Miranda and the rest of the lords will be here. I want all presents wrapped and under the tree, before they do, Ingrid makes sure everything that was sent here is also done. The kitchen staff a feast is to be prepared." They nodded and every maid was sent to work.

She hummed along the halls as her daughters were complaining about the wintery weather. "Girls, I want baths and clean dresses on each of you. Your aunt Donna has made you special dresses and cloaks for today, go put them on so we can have pictures."

The bug babies nodded and listened to their mother as Alcina continued to wander the halls, it was only 6 in the morning and honestly she never really cared for Hollidays herself but having everyone around always made things a bit better. Looking out the window she hummed, a glass of red wine in her hand as she studied the decorations the village set up.

A bunch of them had gotten together and decorated the statue of her lover with a wreath around her neck like a scarf, lights were decorated around her to commemorate her, her sword was tipped with snow and so much more. Alcina smiled as she spotted Donna and Marie, walking to the graveyard for some reason.

She got distracted by something and huffed when she saw her brother trekking his way through the thick snow with his hammer on his shoulders, "My lady, a few gifts have arrived." A maiden stepped to the side as Alcina rose and stepped into the foyer where the huge Christmas tree was. "More than a few." She said as she studied about 20 or so gifts that were wrapped.

Going down she helped the maidens organize them, having a place for the villagers, the lords, Miranda herself, and a few others. She hummed when she spotted a few "Marie to Angie, Marie to Donna, Marie to Mother Miranda." She set them in a different pile wanting to count how many things Marie did, the gifts for Donna and Angie were huge, the one for the gremlin doll sat at her waist and read Fragile on the side with arrows.

The next few surprised her, they were all from Marie but said her daughter's names, hers, Karl's, and Salvatore's. Alcina almost cussed as she remembered she forgot to gift Sal a present and everyone so often does, Miranda gave him a wheel of cheese last year and that was it.

She set them in the respective piles, Donna had maybe 3-4, her daughters were spoiled with about 10-15 huge presents, Miranda herself had 5-6 plus whatever the villagers brought over for the priestess, Karl had three and oddly enough one was from the woman who he kidnapped, and Sal had three. Miranda, Marie, and Donna also gifted him something.

Once settled and separated Alcina counted the presents, the maids wrote down names on the tags in case the villagers brought some others for the lords of the village, no doubt Marie would be famous, "Lady Dimitrescu we would like your opinion on which cookie should be served?" A couple of kitchen maids appeared, "Couldn't decide on your own?" "No mistress, both ideas turned out delicious."

Alcina was gifted two different cookies, a traditional chocolate chip that was soft and gooey as she bit down and a nice macadamia nut truffle double chocolate chip cookie. Alcina hummed and pointed to both and said it would be a good idea to give out options for their guests.

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