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She ran, far and long, never looking back as the sirens rang through the town, she ducked behind buildings, climbed walls, keeping out of sight of the people who were searching and telling the town. After being in the mad house for almost 6 years she got her first taste of freedom, however the town she grew up in was currently being covered in wanted posters and people searching for her.

Her eyes teared up at the sight of her old home, her son in her moms arms as she cried in her dads chest as the police told her family she escaped, her brother and sister stood there, shock written all over their faces. She swallowed, she watched her son look at everyone confused. Not being able to hold him anymore, watching him cry as his grandma held tightly to him and told him that his mom wasn't going to come home.

The little boy sobbed and screamed, her heart tugged. She wanted to comfort him, to tell him she's safe and she will take him with her, however she couldn't, it'd be dangerous even the years of torture put on her mind she herself sure she's capable of anymore.

Anna Marie walked away from the corner as the cops lead them inside to talk more privately, oh how she wanted to hug her parents and tell them she's okay, she didn't have time, she needed to leave or else she would be caught again. Taling one last glance at the house she grew up in and planned on raising her 7 year old son, her eyes filled with tears. They wouldn't trust her anymore, not after the conversation with the cops.

Anna Marie left, making a break for the outskirts of town and running away, knowing people would be looking for her. After all she did just escape a highly protected, governmental experimental research lab that had dragged her away from her family a year after her son was born. Walking through the woods she found it to be growing dark... And quick, she needed to find a place to sleep.

Finding a run down shack in the middle of the woods, she camped out there. Finding enough equipment for some form of living, clothes as well, getting out of the hospital gown she was currently in she slipped the black hoodie, dark blue jacket, and black jeans. Slipping the pocket knife she found with the equipment into her pocket she sighed. The clothes were huge on her but she didn't have time to care at this point, she was hiding out all night, falling asleep to an owls calls.

The next morning she woke up and decided to leave, getting up she exited the cabin and heard voices. Narrowing her eyes, she noticed how close they were and she ran in the opposite direction. Keeping her speed up as she bounded over broken limbs, dodged dead trees that had been lying on the forest floor and heard a new sound, dogs were barking. She swallowed, looking behind her she found a pack of different dogs, leashes still attached as they came running towards her, intent to harm and capture her in their sharp teeth and drag her back to the place.

Out of fear she ran even faster finding herself at a cliffs edge, she looked down a lake was down below that traveled into a stream, turning around the dogs were comjng closer, and so were the voices. A dog jumped and lunged at her, pulling her to the ground and dragged her across the forest floor, she didn't scream or fight, she couldn't feel the searing pain that should have came from a dog's bite, especially one with strong jaws, the others came after, biting and dragging her by her legs.

The police were behind them, getting their dogs off of her as she stood up, wounds bleeding and jacket ripped from each wound. Anna Marie looked terrified, they surrounded her with guns and dogs, trying to convince to come back with them, "We won't hurt you, we just want to make sure you're okay." Anna Marie looked between the four men and two women holding guns at her. Standing up she looked behind her, finding the probably 15 story drop into the lake, she knew how to swim but how deep it was she wasn't sure.

"Anna Marie, can we take you home? I'm sure your son would be happy to see you, you're siblings and parents are worried about you as well." The female on the furthest left said softly, taking a couple of steps towards her, "I don't want to go with you... You're lying." She snapped, backing the edge of the cliff, risking death was easier than having to face her parents because of this, the face of her son flashed in her mind.

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