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As the colder months go by Miranda teaches Marie how to cook more complicated recipes, bake much more interesting pastries, prepare different meals, create different clothing, and sew multiple things at a time, even training her how to properly use her pocket knife. Marie learned that the village temperatures drop quickly, waking up one morning with a cold because overnight it had dropped 15 degrees and started to snow.

However as spring started to come forth she smiled at the melting snow, they rode carriages to the church on service days and stayed in town to do shopping. Marie often worried about Miranda catching a cold, however, the woman assured her she was nice and warm in the robes that were heavy and soft.

It was just the first day of summer when Miranda decided to make an announcement at church that made everyone perk up, "Next weekend we will have a festival, food, the finest wine, celebration to a new season coming forth. I hope everyone comes prepared to celebrate throughout the night, I would like to speak with admins about decisions with decorations and stands that we can put up in the square."

With that, the church was cleared and Luiza, Elena, and a couple of others stayed behind. Marie sat in a pew in the back as she relaxed, moments later Miranda came into view with a smile, "Time to go." She said softly, following the woman out. They made their way out of the church and back onto the road home, "So a celebration?" Marie asked and Miranda smiled, "Of course... Officially it would be 6 months since you came to the village and I would like to celebrate your moving on, I'm passing you to another lord. You've done so well for me and I would even call you one of my dearest friends."

Marie smiled and nodded, they walked into the house and continued their routine, Marie finished what she was doing and hummed, Miranda walked by her and set a baggie full of coins next to her, "Your payment for this month. Next weekend you can use it how you would like, either get yourself something nice or gather something for the new lord you will be with." Marie bowed and smiled, "Thank you."

As the week went by quickly Marie found the outfit she wanted, not even a second thought as she slipped on the green dress that she got when Miranda first took her shopping, fishtail braiding her hair back and pulling it into a pretty ponytail she smiled at it and Miranda knocked on her door. Marie opened it up and Miranda smiled at the woman, "You look very beautiful." She hummed, taking a step in and gently handing the girl a small bag, "What's this?" Marie asked, "Take a look." Miranda smiled, looking around.

Miranda knew she'd miss the young woman Marie came to be, however, she also knew she couldn't hold her here forever. Marie opened the bag and smiled at the golden hand mirror that was inside, as well as the makeup products Miranda had, "Take a seat. Let me do your makeup for you." Miranda said, pulling up a chair from Marie's desk. She sat down and Miranda started working on her eyes, giving her a golden shimmer on the lid of her eye, taking some mascara and giving her a sharp look Miranda smiled, copying her other side.

Next, she grabbed a small bit of pink and gave her a slight blush, nothing too fancy, last was the lipstick, pulling a few different colors out, Miranda smiled and decided to go dark and went with black. She gave the girl a soft kiss on the head, "I'm guessing you're going barefoot?" Miranda asked and Marie nodded, "Yeah. Why do you want me to wear shoes?" Miranda smiled, "Of course not dear I was just wondering."

Once finished getting ready, Marie had already packed the night before, Miranda smiled "One more thing." She said softly, she grabbed something from the living room table and gently handed it to Marie, "A little something to remember me by and your times here." Miranda said, Marie opened it and smiled, finding black diamond chains that connected to the cufflinks on a shirt and a ring for the index finger. Miranda smiled when Marie took them out and gently studied them, "Woah... These are beautiful."

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